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iLRN2024 Proceedings (iLEAD and selected academic contributions) are now available at our Digital Library. Springer proceedings for Academic Full and Short papers will be available in the Fall. ×
  • Help us Celebrate iLRNovember!

    This November, the Immersive Learning Research Network celebrates immersive learning and the amazing and innovative work that our members are doing.

    We salute the diverse groups that are part of our immersive learning community.

    • Students (support for your research and education)
    • Teachers and Creators (design / innovation in your classroom or learning environment)
    • Researchers (advancing scholarship)
    • Futurists (emerging tech)
    • Industry (showcase)

    Thank you for being part of iLRN!

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  • Presentation Recordings
    Did you miss the live presentation? No problem! We've got the recordings here. Check out our YouTube channel for more great learning content.

    • Presentation Recording Available Now!

      Don't Panic: Let's Thoughtfully Develop the Future of Education with Generative Artificial Intelligence

      In a year of extraordinary world events, the year 2023 is poised to become the "Year of Mainstream Artificial Intelligence," with generative AI tools revolutionizing various aspects of our lives. These cutting-edge technologies present unique opportunities to reshape education and cultivate future-focused students and adults. In this webinar, Dr. Neiffer invites you to explore the potential of AI tools as powerful allies rather than replacements for educators. Discover how to leverage AI to enhance your teaching capabilities and empower your students to excel in an increasingly AI-driven world. Together, we will address common concerns, deepen our understanding of AI's potential in education, and uncover new opportunities for education at all levels. Join us on this transformative journey as we navigate the future of learning and embrace the superpowers AI can offer to educators and students alike.

    • Presentation Recording Available Now!

      Interpreting Immersive Learning Cases with the Immersion Cube and the Immersive Learning Brain

      This presentation will provide hands-on discussion on how to classify and describe cases of immersive learning, by clarifying what is going on at three different levels: actions, practices, and, strategies. We'll employ the immersion cube concept to classify actions, and the immersive learning brain clusters to identify occurrence of practices and strategies. Further, we will explore how this enables practitioners and researchers to identify opportunities to change their interventions and explore novel pathways.

    • Presentation Recording Available Now!

      Neurodiversity in Focus: Pioneering Inclusive Strategies in Immersive Learning Environments

      Navigating the complexities of designing immersive learning systems, there is a nuanced interplay between the distinct needs and inherent capabilities of neurodiverse learners. My talk is a reflective journey through the myriad of projects I have spearheaded, all with the intention of enhancing the educational experiences of autistic and other neurodivergent learners. It's crucial to recognize instances where our systems may have fallen short in capturing the authentic experiences of our users. These instances, while sometimes disheartening, have been critical in shaping our design processes, ensuring that the learner's voice and experience remain at the forefront. As we continue to innovate, our steadfast aim is to develop immersive educational environments that not only connect with but also elevate neurodiverse learners. This talk is a call to action for both students and faculty to engage, collaborate, and contribute to the evolution of a truly inclusive educational paradigm.

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    iLRN at Immersive Tech Week

    We are happy to announce that we have partnered again with Immersive Tech Week! The event will be held from November 28 to December 1, 2023 in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. Visit the event site for more information: https://www.immersivetechweek.co/

    Carl Boel, one of the Academic Program Chairs for iLRN2024, will be curating two immersive learning sessions on November 29.

    Jule Krüger, our Lead Program Chair for iLRN2024, will be one of the panelists at the XR Associations Roundtable on November 30.

    We are very proud to have Carl and Jule representing iLRN at Immersive Tech Week!

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