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iLRN2024 Proceedings (iLEAD and selected academic contributions) are now available at our Digital Library. Springer proceedings for Academic Full and Short papers will be available in the Fall. ×
  • Academic Stream


    All Academic Stream submissions require the submission of a scientific paper that will be published in the respective proceedings upon acceptance, including only original and unpublished work: There are two publication formats, depending on the submitted paper type:

    1) Published in Scopus-Indexed Springer CCIS Conference Proceedings pending Springer confirmation


    Full paper (12-15 pages in Springer LNCS format, incl. references) for oral presentation: Comprehensive reports of research, development, and application of immersive learning/technologies and multi-modal literacies. Oral presentations include live recording and global distribution.

    2) Included in iLRN Conference Proceedings with individual DOIs (not indexed)


    Short paper (8-11 pages in iLRN Proceedings format, incl. references) for oral presentation: Concise reports or preliminary findings of ongoing research. Based on reviews and quality, selected short papers have the chance to be published in the indexed Proceedings with the Full Papers. Oral presentations include video recording and global distribution.


    Extended abstract (4-7 pages in iLRN Proceedings format, incl. references) for poster presentation: This includes submissions of work that is still in progress, describing early-stage research with theoretical background, methodology, and, if applicable, first data collections and a description of next steps, or completed work, condensed research concepts that may be read and understood within an hour. All poster presentations will also include the publication and distribution of a pre-recorded video through the iLRN YouTube channel.


    Doctoral colloquium paper (4-7 pages in iLRN Proceedings format, incl. references) for oral presentation in the doctoral colloquium. Both doctoral level as well as master’s by research students/candidates are eligible to submit to the DC. The DC will be held as a session in addition to the regular paper sessions, with students presenting their research to each other (in English).


    Review criteria

    Contribution to Immersive Learning Research
    How much does the submission contribute to research on learning, instruction, teaching or education with immersive technologies?

    Originality and Innovation
    How original and innovative is this contribution? How novel and unique are the proposed approach, methods, or ideas?

    Methodological/theoretical rigor
    Depending on the type of contribution (empirical or theoretical): How sound is the research methodology or theoretical contribution of this submission? For empirical work: are the experimental design, data collection, and analysis appropriate and well-executed? For theoretical work: are theoretical conclusions logically structured and coherent?

    How valid, significant and appropriate are the claims and/or conclusion the authors make? Do they interpret and discuss the implications of their empirical results/theoretical conclusions and (if applicable) the limitations of their work?

    Language and academic writing style
    Is the text error free (spelling, syntax, grammar)? Is the text comprehensible to the academic community?

    Anchored in relevant literature
    How well is the paper anchored in relevant immersive learning research literature? Does it provide appropriate citation of related work in the field?

    Compliance with style/formatting and referencing guidelines
    Does the paper comply with the Springer LNCS template and guidelines (https://www.springer.com/gp/computer-science/lncs/conference-proceedings-guidelines/)?

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