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iLRN2024 Proceedings (iLEAD and selected academic contributions) are now available at our Digital Library. Springer proceedings for Academic Full and Short papers will be available in the Fall. ×
  • For the third year, iLRN is exploring the potential of Alternate Reality Games (ARGs) for education and learning! 

    THIS year, we call on you, the research - designers & creators of high quality immersive learning environments to: 

    (a) Submit your already completed game, web app, virtual world experience, etc to be a "node" within iLRN's ARG. 

     - and / or - 

    (b) Co-Create something new and submit it for use within the game! 


    This Alternate Reality Game (ARG) titled Project Vanguard is being developed in partnership with Hitcher Encounters. We would like to feature our iLRNetwork members' amazing projects as "nodes" of this immersive puzzle experience. Do you have a project that is available to the public and showcases some aspect of immersive learning? We would love to have you submit it as a node for our game!

    Details for submissions to be posted November 2023.

    For more information or to have your interest noted by our ARG Development Team, please email info (at) immersivelrn.org

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