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iLRN2024 Proceedings (iLEAD and selected academic contributions) are now available at our Digital Library. Springer proceedings for Academic Full and Short papers will be available in the Fall. ×
  • iLEAD Stream - Immersive Learning Education and Design

    We are pleased to announce the Immersive Learning Education and Design (iLEAD) Stream, formerly the iLRN Practitioner Stream. For the upcoming iLRN 2025 conference, we seek contributions on topics that will contribute actionable insights, design strategies, and best practices pertinent to immersive education and design. We invite submissions that expand the understanding of what works in immersive learning within K-12, higher education, workplace training, and industry contexts. We aim to recognize your achievements and create a repository of expert knowledge.



    Proposals in the Immersive Learning Education and Design (iLEAD) stream include the submission of an extended abstract for various presentation formats. Publication in the iLEAD conference proceedings is possible but not required for presentation. Potential iLEAD presentation formats are:

    • Oral presentation
    • Poster presentation
    • Workshop proposal
    • Special session proposal
    • Panel session proposal
    • Guided Virtual Adventures
    • Product Demonstrations

    For all presentation formats, please submit an Extended Abstract (2 to 5 pages in iLRN Proceedings format, incl. references) with a summary of your contribution to immersive learning education and design.

    Publication of this Extended Abstract in the iLEAD 2025 Conference Proceedings (not indexed) is optional but encouraged.


    Review criteria

    Contribution to Immersive Learning Education and Design
    Practice-oriented submission criteria: The submission is relevant to the field of immersive learning, to practice, to society, and to the iLRN mission.

    Clarity and Writing Style
    Practice-oriented submission criteria: The submission has clarity (of objectives or purpose, of writing, of arguments, etc.)

    Instructional / Learning Design
    Practice-oriented submission criteria: The instructional design or learning design is intentional and meaningful.

    Practice-oriented submission criteria: The submission has substantiated conclusions and/or recommendations.

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