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iLRN2024 Proceedings (iLEAD and selected academic contributions) are now available at our Digital Library. Springer proceedings for Academic Full and Short papers will be available in the Fall. ×
  • iLRN Conferences

    Continuing the previous success in workshops and conferences on immersive environments for learning and training purposes, this international conference series spans the topic range from innovative research, technologies and tools to successful services and products of immersive environments to foster learning, training and other activities in motivational and engaging ways. The objective is to uncover and discuss emerging trends and technologies, sound research and best practices, successful products and services within an international and interdisciplinary community. This includes but not limits its focus to virtual and augmented worlds, learning and motivational games, educational simulations, mixed/augmented reality, and related learning and teaching tools, techniques, technologies, and standards.

    Topics of interest in the context of immersive environments for the main conference include:

    • Immersive Technologies, Systems and Devices
    • Cognitive and Pedagogical Analysis
    • Learning and Training Applications
    • Non-leisure Games and Gamification
    • A Glance into the Future: Innovations, Challenges and Applications
    • Games and Entertainment
    • Art and Creativity
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