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iLRN2024 Proceedings (iLEAD and selected academic contributions) are now available at our Digital Library. Springer proceedings for Academic Full and Short papers will be available in the Fall. ×
  • Presenter Instructions

  • Accepted Submission type

    Video submission Presentation type Material / Presentation Requirements
    Academic Full Paper Optional - max. 10 min.

    Oral presentation

    Presentation sessions are either 1 or 1.5 hours long and include multiple oral presentations from similar areas.

    Full paper presentations are scheduled for 20 minutes, incl. 15 minutes presentation and 5 minutes discussion per paper.
    Academic Short Paper Optional - max. 7 min. Short paper presentations are scheduled for 15 minutes, incl. 10 minutes presentation and 5 minutes discussion per paper.
    iLEAD oral presentation Optional - max. 10 min. iLEAD oral presentations are scheduled for 15 minutes, incl. 10 minutes presentation and 5 minutes discussion per paper.
    Academic Work-in-Progress paper Encouraged - 3 - 5 min.

    Poster presentation

    Poster presentations are presented in an exhibition setting with the help of a printed poster (in person) or a virtual poster (online).

    In person: Printed A0 poster for presentation on site and virtual image of this poster to upload to CVENT system.

    Online: Virtual poster for presentation in FrameVR and upload to CVENT system.

    Please submit these before the presentation materials deadline.

    iLEAD poster presentation Encouraged - 3 - 5 min.
    Doctoral Colloquium Optional - max. 7 min.

    DC presentation

    The DC will be scheduled as one 1.5 h session, including all (attending) DC presenters and some invited mentors.

    DC presenters will give a short presentation of 3 - 5 minutes and engage in a moderated discussion during a designated DC session. The focus is on exchange and discussion, including the opportunity to discuss potential questions and issues the students are facing.

    iLEAD panel Optional - max. 7 min.


    Panel discussions take place with multiple presenters or discussants, and are up to 1 hour long

    Panel discussion should be planned beforehand. It is helpful, if one person moderates the panel discussion.
    iLEAD special session Optional - max. 7 min. Depends on the submission Depends on the submission
    iLEAD workshop Optional - max. 7 min.


    Workshops are scheduled in for 1.5 hour sessions. They require signing up before the conference, but are mostly free to attend.

    The workshop should be prepared beforehand, including all relevant material. It might be possible to accommodate special (technical) requests or specific types of rooms. One break should be scheduled by the workshop host.
    Tutorial submission Optional - max. 7 min.


    Tutorials are usually scheduled in for 3 hour sessions, but can also be timed differently. They require signing up before the conference, and some may have a fee.

    The workshop should be prepared beforehand, including all relevant material. It might be possible to accommodate special (technical) requests or specific types of rooms. Breaks should be scheduled by the tutorial hosts. If applicable, please 


    Required material submissions

    For in-person poster presentations, presenters are asked to bring a printed poster to the in-person conference in Scotland. They are also asked to upload the virtual image file of this poster for upload in CVENT. For online poster presentations, virtual poster files need to be uploaded, so that the organizing committee can setup the virtual poster presentation area in a FrameVR environment and upload those to the CVENT conference system. The virtual files have to be submitted at the presentation material deadline. You can find more information about poster files below.

    For all types of presentations, but most for poster presentations, video submission is encouraged. This way, interested attendees can have a look at the video before going into deeper discussions during the poster sessions. These videos have to be submitted at the presentation material deadline. You can find more information about video preparation below. An award for the best video will be given out.

    The presentation material deadline can be found in the Important Dates table.

    If you have any questions or would like to speak with an iLRN Organizing Committee member, please contact us via conference@immersivelrn.org! Again, thank you for presenting at iLRN2024!

  • Presenters Instructions for the in person conference in Scotland

    For oral presentations

    Presenters in Scotland are expected to present in the traditional way (slides presented to an audience, plus Q&A at the end). In the table above, you will find the length of the presentation for each oral presentation type. Please allow time for the Q&A when preparing your presentation (for example: if your presentation slot is 20 minutes, 15 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for Q&A could be appropriate).

    You can use the iLRN2024 slide template for your presentation Slide Template for PowerPoint Format | Slide Template for Keynote (Apple) Format

    What should I bring for my presentation in Scotland?

    The rooms have audio visual equipment (projector, speakers, etc.) and computers for presentation. You can bring your own device or transfer your slides to the local computer (e.g., via USB stick, email or online storage). In addition to your presentation source files (e.g., Powerpoint slides, Google slides, etc.), please also bring the slides as PDF files in case of issues with the presentation files. You can also upload the PDF in the CVENT conference system to share it with attendees.

    Please locate the room where you will be presenting and be there before the session starts. If you have any queries please ask our volunteers on site. All in person presentations will be streamed live through CVENT and recorded to watch back in CVENT after the conference.


    For poster presentations

    Physical poster presenters are required to prepare a physical printed poster for the poster session. These posters will be displayed at a circulation space as part of a poster presentation session, where presenters will stand next to their poster, fielding questions and potentially talking through its contents:

    • Printed poster size: should not exceed 84.1 × 118.9 cm (A0 format).
    • Please remember to bring your printed poster to the conference in Glasgow.

    In addition to the in person poster presentation, you are also required to upload a virtual image of your poster to be published in the CVENT system. This must be in the form of a single image and could be the virtual version of your printed poster:

    • Acceptable image formats: JPEG, PNG or PDF.
    • File size: 20MB or less.
    • File name: The filename should consist of the submission ID ONLY and nothing else (e.g., 103.jpg or 103.png).

    Please use the material submission form (link below) to submit your poster image and optional video and/or slides to be published on the CVENT page and/or the iLRN YouTube Channel.

    Authors from the physical session are invited to also participate (present or attend) in the virtual poster session. If you also want to present in the online poster session, please follow the corresponding guidelines below.


    For Doctoral Colloquium session

    The doctoral colloquium session will be a designated session where all DC submissions will be presented. DC presenters are asked to give a live presentation and engage in a moderated discussion during this session. The presentation should be a short (3 - 5 minute) overview of their work. Think of this as an elevator pitch, keeping it brief and to the point. Participants will be given an opportunity to get feedback from other session attendees, including invited mentors. The focus of the DC session is on exchange and discussion, including the opportunity to discuss potential questions and issues the students are facing.

  • Presenter Instructions for the online conference

    For oral presentations

    Presenters at the online conference are expected to present in the traditional way (slides presented to an audience, plus Q&A at the end). In the table above, you will find the length of the presentation for each oral presentation type. Please allow time for the Q&A when preparing your presentation (for example: if your presentation slot is 20 minutes, 15 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for Q&A could be appropriate).

    You can use the iLRN2024 slide template for your presentation Slide Template for PowerPoint Format | Slide Template for Keynote (Apple) Format

    For oral presentations, we are using CVENT for video conferencing which does not allow presenters to blur or change the background. Please prepare your presentation to be engaging and professional. < HERE > are a few tips worth considering. 

    • Create your space. Please consider what shows on camera - your session will be recorded and posted to our iLRN YouTube channel, so please prepare!
    • A suitable, quiet location for presenting during your scheduled presentation time is much appreciated
    • Please login 15 minutes before the session to test the environment as a speaker
    • If you are using dual monitors, you may wish to check out Zoom’s tips for presenting with dual monitors (putting the notes on one screen).


    For poster presentations

    All poster presentations for iLRN2024 Online will take place in an exhibition hall using the web-based platform FrameVR. You will be placed in a room with other poster presenters and allocated a space with private voice channel to present your paper. During the poster session, you will be expected to engage in dialogue with conference delegates and attendees about your work.

    Your slides for FrameVR  and the optional video will also be published on a Cvent page and/or the iLRN Youtube Channel.

    For the Online conference and the setup in FrameVR, instead of a single image, we recommend the use of slides (maximum 10 pages) generated using Powerpoint, Google Slides, Canva, etc. Ensure that your digital poster slides comply with the following specifications:

    • Dimensions (W x H): 1920 x 1080 landscape aspect ratio.
    • Fonts: minimum 28 pt, recommended at least 36 pt for legibility / accessibility.
    • Transparency: None.
    • Acceptable formats: PDF only.
    • File size: No larger than 2 MB.
    • File name: The filename should consist of the submission ID ONLY and nothing else (e.g., 103.jpg or 103.png).

    Screenshots of immersive learning experiences highly encouraged - but compression of images are generally necessary to keep within the total doc 2MB limit. In case of exceeding file size, you may use a PDF file size reducer (save as in Acrobat, for example).

    For the virtual poster session you will be expected to station your avatar in the booth and engage in dialogue with conference delegates about your work during a designated poster session.

    • For preparation, get accustomed with the used software (more information about the platform following soon)
    • At the time of your presentation, be sure to log on to the platform well before the session
      • Test your headphones and microphone and go to your session location
      • Your Session Chair should DM you or talk to you at the session location. If they do not, feel free to DM them so that channel is open during your session. It may come in handy! 
      • You may scan the chat for questions and/or ask the Session Chair to assist. 
  • Material submission instructions

    All digital materials for presentation at iLRN 2024 are collected using the form linked below.

    Poster (required for online poster session and CVENT upload)

    Upload the JPEG, PNG or PDF file to a folder on Google Drive (or NiHao Cloud if you are in China and unable to use Google Drive), ensuring that you set the permissions to enable public downloading. Important: We must be able to actually download the files, not just view them in a browser.

    Video (optional - but encouraged)

    Upload the MP4 file to a folder on Google Drive (or NiHao Cloud if you are in China and unable to use Google Drive), ensuring that you set the permissions to enable public downloading. Important: We must be able to actually download the MP4 file, not just watch the video in a browser. 

    Form upload

    In the form, please enter the URLs from which your poster (and potentially video) file can be downloaded. The URLs must point directly to the JPEG/PNG/PDF and MP4 files themselves and not to folders or to pages on which the media are embedded. Please test to make sure that when the URL is entered into a web browser, the download begins immediately without any further user intervention (i.e., no need to click on anything further or have permission).

    Form to upload materials

  • Guidelines for videos

    We ask authors use this resource to describe their work in ways not possible in print, such as providing a guided tour through immersive learning experiences while highlighting relevant aspects of the XR and immersive learning space from the learner’s perspective, experimental methods, instruments, data, context for the study, and key findings and context of the work.

    We highly encourage you to take cues from or use the PechaKucha format (20 slides x 20 seconds) — using imagery (videos, pictures) as much as possible, using text and figures as lightly as possible, and insofar as you are able following the Video Abstract sequence, to use storytelling techniques to create your presentation for the Conference. Your video must begin with an iLRN 2024 title slide displayed to 5 seconds of silence, and end with a final slide displayed to 5 seconds of silence. 

    No copyrighted content may be included in your video — this includes music, images, and video. By submitting your video you warrant that you own the material in the video and that you consent to iLRNpublishing it under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike (CC BY-NC-SA) license.


    Suggested sequence for the Video:

    1. Intro and Background/Related Work

    Introduce the research problem and use clearly legible font in your video if possible to state your research question/s and relevant research perspective or framework under investigation. Use visuals to represent the research problem space as well as you can—infographics, archetypal examples of the research space being investigated; seminal literature useful for framing your work; what is most interesting about your research?

    2. Immersive

    Show and describe the approach your work takes on the concept of “immersive” whether through challenges (flow, engagement, stimulus, etc.), narrative (absorption with the story, sense of presence, agency, embodiment, etc.), or degree of subjective impression of being in a place (via augmented audio-visual elements, instrumented environment that reacts to users, displays and headsets,haptic feedback, etc.).

    3. Learning

    Demonstrate or highlight the connections to learning, training, or education that the research inquiry underscores or makes explicit. If there is assessment associated with the learning experience,please make clear to the audience how that fits within the research inquiry.

    4. Method

    Tell your audience about how you carried out your investigation; using what instruments or technique; following what procedure or process.

    5. Findings and Implications/Recommendations

    What was found (or, in the case of Works in Progress,what do you hope / expect to find?) and what are the implications?

    6. Conclusion and Future Directions

    Given this work, what do you hope or plan to do next? What other research issues or areas interconnect with this study that the audience may find of interest? Try to connect your research to a body of work within the XR-for-learning field or suggest creative connections that you see may be of interest to the viewer.

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