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iLRN2024 Proceedings (iLEAD and selected academic contributions) are now available at our Digital Library. Springer proceedings for Academic Full and Short papers will be available in the Fall. ×

    The conference is seeking reviewers for the all types of paper and proposal submissions. Applications are sought from suitably qualified and experienced individuals to join the Program Committee as paper and/or proposal reviewers for iLRN 2025.

    The minimum requirement to join the Program Committee to review "Academic Stream" papers is a Master's degree plus research experience; for reviewers of "iLEAD Stream" proposals a minimum of 3 years' practical (e.g., teaching, training, design, development) experience is required.

    An award will be presented to one or more member(s) of the Program Committee for the conference who the iLRN 2025 Program Chairs, in consultation with the Conference General Chairs, Awards & Recognition Chair, and the wider Conference Organizing Committee, deem to have made the most outstanding contribution in executing their reviewing duties. (Note: The Program Chairs’ decision is final.)

    Interested individuals should in the first instance fill out the application form below. The form should take approximately 5 minutes to complete. Your taking the time to provide as detailed information as possible is greatly appreciated as this will assist us in determining your eligibility to serve on the Program Committee, and if you are selected to join the Committee, in matching you with submissions that you will be both interested in and qualified to review. The closing date for applications for the Academic Stream submissions is September 20, 2024. The form will stay open for reviewer sign ups for iLEAD Stream submissions until December 20, 2024.

    Successful applicants will receive an invitation to the Program Committee from EasyChair with further instructions.

    Please fill in the following Google form with your reviewer information. If you have been a reviewer for iLRN before, you can skip the section defining your expertise. You also have the choice to sign up to be a part of the iLRN reviewer data base, so you receive automatic review invitations for future conferences instead of filling in the form every year.

    Link to Google Form

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