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iLRN2024 Proceedings (iLEAD and selected academic contributions) are now available at our Digital Library. Springer proceedings for Academic Full and Short papers will be available in the Fall. ×
  • Welcome Adventurers!

    Welcome to Metaverse Adventures. Metaverse adventures is all about Metaverse and education. We explore how we can use Metaverse technologies to enhance education and learning. We speak with experts to get insights and ideas on how to make this happen. Our goal is to help people learn more about how Metaverse technologies can be used to improve education and make it more accessible for everyone.

    Metaverse adventures is an event that focuses on exploring centralized and decentralized metaverse platforms and their potential for learning. It is a cross-disciplinary event involving academics, industry practitioners, developers and enthusiasts. We will be discussing the present state of metaverse research in academia and industry with a focus on metaverse applications in education.

  • The main goals of the Metaverse Adventures is to:

    1. Bridge existing academic and business communities by encouraging communication between them;

    2. Create a platform where designers can share their designs and discuss future directions for the field of design and research;

    3. Encourage discussions around VR/AR/MR, blockchain, NFTs, AI, and education through events delivered by top experts in the field.

    The first Metaverse Adventure event took place during the iLRN 2022 Virtual Conference.

    Our mission

    Metaverse Adventures brings creators and other luminaries together to explore new immersive spaces and discover new ideas, projects and collaborations - with an eye and ear toward teaching and learning!

  • Metaverse Adventures!


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