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iLRN2024 Proceedings (iLEAD and selected academic contributions) are now available at our Digital Library. Springer proceedings for Academic Full and Short papers will be available in the Fall. ×
  • 5th iLRNFuser - International Student Competition for Immersive Game Apps supporting UN Sustainability Goals


    iLRN2024 will host the 5th iLRNFuser International Student Competition for Immersive Game Apps supporting UN Sustainability Goals. The aims of the competition are:


    • To provide an opportunity for students to virtually participate in the conference and demonstrate their immersive apps design and development skills under an international competition process;
    • To provide an opportunity for students who are immersive apps developers to peer-assess and peer-evaluate their games/prototypes;
    • To provide iLRN attendees with engaging and fresh interactive and immersive apps, that should demonstrate their functionality and impact in the apps scene.

    All apps submitted for the competition are expected to accomplish:

    1. A specific goal from the following list
      1. Educational/learning,
      2. Social networking
      3. Gaming
      4. Health
      5. Arts & Culture
    2. Integrate one of the 17 UN Sustainability Goals
    3. Immersive concept Integration (XR, AR, VR, Web, PC simulation, Mobile)

    Project team developers should be students (at undergraduate or postgraduate level). They should be prepared to justify their design and evaluation process, demonstrate why it is innovative and indicate how they achieved (will achieve) the impact they seek.

    iLRNFuser competition is not just building games but forging connections. Our core aim is to cultivate collaborations between universities, breaking down barriers and fostering a spirit of unity within the gaming community. To truly embrace this collaborative ethos, participating teams must be composed of students from at least two different universities.

    We recognize the value of diverse perspectives and believe that the synergy of minds from different academic backgrounds can lead to the creation of truly exceptional games. To facilitate this interconnectedness, we've established a dedicated support channel on Discord – the iLRNFuser channel. Here, teams can communicate, share ideas, and explore potential mismatch opportunities. We encourage cross-pollination of skills, ideas, and creativity, aiming to make this not just a competition but a platform for meaningful collaboration. When you are joining the Discord, please let us know that you are joining as part of iLRNFuser, so we can add you to the relevant channels.

    So, assemble your dream teams! Each team should comprise a minimum of four students, ensuring a wealth of skills and talents to bring your game concept to life.

    Competition and judgment process
    The competition process involves two rounds.

    1st round: Online Submission and selection to the second round.

    Competitors (e.g., teams of 3-4 students) should complete the online abstract submission form. Submissions can be made online through EasyChair (find more information and the link to the system in the Call for Papers). For an iLRNFuser submission, you have two options:

    1. Special Session: 5th Student International Competition iLRNFuser”: This is for teams that will only submit the application/game.
      The app description part of the form should be up to 500 words and should include:
      • A description of the app itself including the design and development process;
      • The positioning of the app in terms of related work, including references and an outline of the app’s unique educational contribution;
      • A description of how the app/Game meets the requirements on UN SDG’s
      • An app YouTube video link demonstrating its usage [3-5 min pitch video]
      • Teams should use the following iLRN template for their submission (template)
    2. Main iLRN Conference EasyChair Submission: This is for teams that will submit a paper or proposal to the normal iLRN2024 submission categories, but also want to submit their application/game to the iLRNFuser GameJam.
      • Teams submitting an iLRN paper or proposal need to select the appropriate iLRN paper format. See more details and instructions on the page here to select template. For the iLRNFuser, a app YouTube video link demonstrating its usage  will also need to be submitted (there is a paragraph on submission stage to add the YouTube URL)

    Expert reviewers will evaluate the submissions and choose the submissions which will go through to the second round and be invited to showcase their Apps at the iLRN conference. During this evaluation round the best three (3) submissions will be selected for the main awards using the core judgement criteria [see section below for Judging Criteria]. 

    Submission to the iLRNFuser does not include publication of the written proposal as part of the iLRN proceedings. However, proposals that are submitted to the iLRNFuser can additionally be submitted for peer review and publication in another paper submission category of the conference, for example as an Academic Full, Short or Work-in-Progress Paper, a Doctoral Colloquium Paper, or any proposal in the iLEAD stream. More information on the paper submission types, submission process, requirements, templates, and deadlines can be found on the general CfP page: https://www.immersivelrn.org/ilrn2024/call-for-papers/.

    Although Apps can be in any language, all submissions must be in English and must include title and team members information, including author affiliations. Judging will be in English and competitors will have to be able to present their work in English.


    2nd round: Online participation and judgement at iLRN conference

    Participation: At least one member of each contestant team should demonstrate the app during the conference by taking part in the judging session* and award ceremony. Teams that submit an Academic Full, Short or Work-In Progress Papers or any proposal in the iLEAD stream must have at least one member of the team registered in the conference. Remaining teams just need to be registered on the submission system (EasyChair - see 1st round above)  in order for their App/Game to be considered for judging and demonstration.

    Closed online judging session: Judging and evaluation of the Apps will take place in a closed judging session during the conference where competitors will present to a team of judges their prototypes. 


    Judging Criteria

    All projects will be judged on the following aspects: scope, assessment, usability, socio-cultural aspects, administration tools as well as aspects specific to the type of Learning Technologies submitted (see above three criteria). According to these aspects the criteria will be quality of Mobile App, significance, originality and level of innovativeness, thematic relevance, and quality of presentation.

    Details of the judgment criteria can be found in the board below:

    Criteria Description
    1 - Meeting UN SDG Criteria (20 points) Evaluates how well the game aligns with and contributes to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), emphasizing the positive impact and social responsibility embedded in the game's concept and execution.
    2 - Application/Game Design (10 points) Assesses the overall design coherence, including the clarity of the game concept, storylines, and how well it aligns with the intended purpose, ensuring a solid foundation for a compelling and engaging gaming experience.
    3 - UX/UI Concept (10 points) Focuses on the user experience (UX) and user interface (UI) design, evaluating how well the game's interface facilitates a seamless and intuitive interaction, enhancing overall user satisfaction and accessibility.
    4 - Artwork/Design/Music Style (10 points) Considers the aesthetic appeal of the game, assessing the quality and creativity of the artwork, design elements, and music style. This criterion emphasizes the role of visuals and sound in enhancing the overall gaming/application experience.
    5 - Playability/Interactivity (10 points) Gauges the user’s engagement by evaluating its playability and interactivity. This includes assessing the smoothness of gameplay mechanics, user engagement factors, and the overall enjoyment derived from the interactive elements.
    6 - Project Scalability (10 points) Examines the potential for the game's growth and adaptation. Scalability assesses how easily the project can evolve, whether in terms of expanding features, accommodating increased user loads, or adapting to emerging technologies.
    7 - Project Technical Immersiveness (20 points) Focuses on the technical aspects of the project, evaluating the depth and sophistication of the technology employed to create an immersive gaming experience. This encompasses advanced graphics, realistic physics, and other technical elements that enhance immersion.
    8 - Meaningful A.I. Inclusivity (10 points) Assesses the incorporation of artificial intelligence (A.I.) in the game in a manner that not only enhances gameplay but also promotes inclusivity. This criterion looks at how A.I. features contribute meaningfully to the overall gaming experience and inclusivity within the gaming community.


    Announcement of the winners and awards

    The winners of the competition will be announced during the iLRN 2024 Award Ceremony event of the conference (in the banquet evening). The winners will be informed how to receive their reward.

  • Important Dates

    4th December 2023 Competition Launch

    15th February 2024

    29th February 2024

    Submission for Project Video Concept and Short Paper
    2nd April 2024 Notification of review outcomes for submissions
    29th April 2024 Camera-Ready Submission Deadline for short-paper
    6th May 2024 Registration Deadline
    3rd - 5th June 2024 Open judging session (During Conference)
    3rd - 5th June 2024 Live-Hybrid Presentation of projects
    3rd - 5th June 2024 Announcement of the winners
  • Timeline iLRNFuser 2024.png

  • Students’ Mobile Apps Competition Program Committee

    Main Chairs

    Markos Mentzelopoulos, University of Westminster, UK
    Kai Erenli, University of Applied Sciences BFI Vienna, Austria

    International Panel of Judges

    To Be Announced

    Supported by

    Markos Mentzelopoulos
    iLRN Director for Student Activities

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