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iLRN2024 Proceedings (iLEAD and selected academic contributions) are now available at our Digital Library. Springer proceedings for Academic Full and Short papers will be available in the Fall. ×
  • iLRN Branch House

    immersive Learning Areas of Application

    ... growing the immersive learning knowledge tree through applied science, evidence-based practice, and design-based research. 


    Each of the primary tracks of the iLRN International Conference aligns with one of the iLRN Branch Houses. 

    Through hosting their branch track and other contributions to the annual international conference, hosting independent house events, collaboration on systematic literature reviews, showcasing practitioner work, and identifying, innovating, and showcasing on "what works" in immersive learning in their respective areas of application, Branch Houses develop a professional focus in their respective applied area of immersive learning.  Through building the professional acumen of their house members and establishing an evidence framework aligned with professional work in these arenas,  house activities both support their members while simultaneously contributing to The iLRN Knowledge Tree, that is, the overall codex and Knowledge Base of the  Immersive Learning Research Network. Each Branch House is an area of application for research, design, and practice of immersive learning experiences.

  • Branch House 1 (the Knowledge Tree "trunk"). Foundations in Immersive Learning Research and Theory (Computer Science, Game Design / UX, and the Learning Sciences).
    Branch House 2. Assessment and Evaluation (A&E) 
    Branch House 3. Galleries, Libraries, Archives, & Museums (GLAM)
    Branch House 4. Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, Access, & Social Justice (IDEAS)
    Branch House 5. STEM Education
    Branch House 6. Language, Culture, & Heritage (LCH)
    Branch House 7. Medical & Healthcare Education (MHE)
    Branch House 8. Nature & Environmental Sciences (NES)
    Branch House 9. Workforce Development & Industry Training (WDIT)
    Branch House 10. Self and Co-Regulated Learning With Immersive Learning Environments (SCILE)

    Participation or leadership in an iLRN Branch House means promoting high quality research, practice and design of immersive learning in the respective Branch House area of application, developing collegial, immersive opportunities for hosting virtual and physical house-focused meetups to advance the mission year-round, and making contributions to the Knowledge Tree via peer-review literature reviews, practitioner showcases, and convening work forums. 

  • iLRN Branch Houses advance the science & practice of immersive learning areas of application


    iLRN_House Areas of Applications.png

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