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iLRN2024 Proceedings (iLEAD and selected academic contributions) are now available at our Digital Library. Springer proceedings for Academic Full and Short papers will be available in the Fall. ×
  1. iLRN Discussions

    1. General Discussions

      This forum is for general discussions.

    2. XR Content Repositories

      XR Repositories.pngThis forum is for discussions about XR Content Repositories. iLRN's new initiative, the Circle of Scholars, is engaging in dialog with the larger iLRN community to explore grand challenges of immersive learning. The first grand challenge is on the topic of storing, sharing, archiving and otherwise managing immersive learning content. Join our panel of scholars in a lively panel discussion where they share their work on XR repositories and gather input from the attendees to inform and expand on our shared explorations of this important topic.

  2. iLRN Conference

    1. Digital Wellbeing

      This forum is for discussions related to the book Digital Wellbeing by Caitlin Krause.

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