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iLRN2024 Proceedings (iLEAD and selected academic contributions) are now available at our Digital Library. Springer proceedings for Academic Full and Short papers will be available in the Fall. ×
  • iLRN CHAPTERS are for promoting, developing, and celebrating the immersive learning evidence & potential in geographic centers around the world! 


    iLRN Chapters Worldwide banner logo.png

  • Gather the research, education, and industry professionals and aspiring creators of immersive learning from your region to:

    • INCREASE VISIBILITY of Immersive Learning in your region!

    • CREATE DIALOGUE between industry & education to leverage the capabilities of immersive learning throughout your region!

    • BUILD CAPACITY and work together on economic development, policy, and collaborative efforts for everyone in your home area.

    • SHOWCASE YOUR REGIONAL IMMERSIVE LEARNING CAPACITY - contribute to iLRNetwork global events and reports!

    • RAISE MONEY to promote and build community amongst immersive learning professionals in your region to host local iLRN events and promote the mission locally - "to identify, showcase, and innovate on 'what works' in immersive learning!"

    • HOST LOCAL / REGIONAL MEETUPS to build relationships, share immersive learning findings, and build a stronger local community around your chapter goals!

    • HELP CO-DESIGN the future of evidence-based immersive learning capacity through iLRN leadership & volunteer opportunities

    (insert link -->) Download the Official Guidelines & Policy for establishing and running an iLRN Geographic Chapter

    START A NEW iLRN CHAPTER: (insert link -->)  Apply to begin a NEW Geographic Chapter (you will need names, contact information, and professional affiliations of at LEAST five (5) current iLRN members from your proposed chapter region who agree to support the startup & ongoing operations of the chapter)

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