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iLRN2024 Proceedings (iLEAD and selected academic contributions) are now available at our Digital Library. Springer proceedings for Academic Full and Short papers will be available in the Fall. ×
  • Conference Registration Help

    We have received reports that EasyChair sometimes fails to redirect you to the registration page correctly after logging in. This most commonly happens if you have just created a new account. 
    If you are encountering this issue, please try the following steps.

    1. Go to the EasyChair site for the conference at https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ilrn2023
    2. Log in to EasyChair. If you do not have an account, please create one using the Create an account link on the login page.register1.png
    3. After you have successfully logged in, click the start registration link. register3.png
    4. Select if you would like to register yourself or register another person. register4.png 
    5. Complete the form with your personal information and follow the steps for payment.

    If you do not see a start registration link or get the message: "It seems that you have not used EasyChair before, so you have no roles", please follow the additional steps below.


    1. In the same browser tab where you are logged in to EasyChair, type or paste the following URL: https://easychair.org/my/conference?conf=ilrn2023
    2. Click the start registration link and follow the instructions from Step 3.

    Please contact us at registration@immersivelrn.org if you are still having issues. Thank you!


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