Get ready to attend the 9th International Conference of the Immersive Learning Research Network!
1. Register
We are looking forward to welcome you to the conference! Check all the information on fees and how to register. If your contribution was accepted please check the registration deadline for presenters in the Important Dates table in the Conference home page.
Important: Please note that to register you will need to create an account on our registration system in EasyChair. If you are having issues in doing this please follow this guide.
2. If you had a contribution accepted:
a) Prepare your Camera-Ready Paper version
Prepare your final submission following the Camera-Ready requirements. Remember to follow all the steps and include your camera-ready paper, the "Camera-Ready Submission Checklist and the Responses to Reviewers Form" and the "Copyright Agreement". The deadline for submitting them can be found in the Important Dates table in the Conference home page.
Academic Paper Camera-Ready Instructions (Full and Short papers)
Academic Paper Camera-Ready Instructions (Work-in-Progress / Doctoral Colloquium Abstracts)
Practitioner Paper Camera-Ready Instructions
b) Prepare your Presentation and Materials
Make sure that you follow the presentation requirements and materials. The deadline for submitting them can be found in the Important Dates table in the Conference home page.
Guidelines for Preparing Presentation Materials
c) Check when are you scheduled to present
Important: If you don't show up to your presentation time, your contribution won't be included in the conference proceedings.
3. Attending the conference:
a) Attending the in-person conference? Plan your trip!
Plan ahead your travel and accommodation. Besides the conference, we have a social program for you to join, but San Luis Obispo has many other amenities and exciting places to visit!
b) Attending the online conference? Install and access our iLRN Virtual Campus and prepare for
The iLRN Virtual Campus is supported by our ongoing strategic partnership with Virbela, a 3D virtual world platform “that brings people together in an immersive environment to work, learn, meet, and train from anywhere at any time”. Furthermore, this year some sessions take place over Zoom. Please check in the program on where the sessions take place.
c) Are you a presenter and/or a session chair? Read the presenter and session chair instructions
To know how to present at the conference (both online and in-person) please read the presenter instructions below. Instructions on what you need to do as a session chair can be found on the same website.
Presenter and Session Chair Instructions
Do you need help?
Please send any question regarding the iLRN2023 conference to conference@immersivelrn.org.
For General Inquiries about iLRN, please contact info@immersivelrn.org.
Conference Code of Conduct
The iLRN 2023 conference is dedicated to providing a harassment-free conference experience for everyone, regardless of gender, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, or religion. We do not tolerate harassment of conference participants in any form. As a conference that aims to share ideas and freedom of thought and expression, it is essential that the conference takes place in an environment that recognizes the inherent worth of every person by being respectful of all. All communication should be appropriate for a professional audience including people of many different backgrounds. Attendees violating these rules may be asked to leave the conference without a refund at the sole discretion of the conference organizers. In addition, attendees are subject to the iLRN Code of Conduct.
As parts of the conference are held in various online environments, attendees are also subject to:
- Virbela Community Policies (see section 26 of linked document)
- Zoom Reasonable Use Policy
- YouTube Community Guidelines
If you wish to report a breach of the code of conduct this can be done via email to the iLRN Vice President for Conferences. All reports will only be sent to the authorized people and will be treated confidentially.