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iLRN2024 Proceedings (iLEAD and selected academic contributions) are now available at our Digital Library. Springer proceedings for Academic Full and Short papers will be available in the Fall. ×
  • Session Chair Instructions

    Suggestions for preparing the session:

    • Read the abstract and prepare discussion questions. If you have time, do a search / review of related literature. Access your session platform: Log on to the iLRN Campus in Virbela, Zoom, WebXR, or the room on location. Attend training sessions if needed.
    • Suggestion: Create a blank google doc titled, "Session questions" and make it public. This document can be used to note down your questions for the authors and important points from the general discussion. Share the link to the document with all authors/presenters, so they can write down questions based on the abstracts to each other beforehand and can afterwards look at the notes you are taking in the session.
    • Sign up for the Sessions Chair channel in Discord by clicking on this link: https://discord.gg/dub6Yd9pAM 

    On the day you are chairing the session:

    • Make sure to arrive in the virtual or physical room on time (depending on the presentation setting in which you chair: log on to the system, navigate your avatar to the virtual room on the iLRN Campus and seat it in the front of the presentation room, or go to the physical room on location).
    • Introduce yourself to the presenters as the session chair. Let all presenters know who the tech support person is in your session and remind them about the presentation length and that the session is being recorded. 
    • When the session starts, ascend the virtual stage area, unmute your microphone, or stand up in front of the audience, depending on the presentation setting. The the audience that the session is being recorded.
    • Introduce yourself and each paper title and its authors to the audience.
    • Each paper gets 15 minutes to present and 5 minutes at the end of each presentation for questions. Please:
      • Provide 3 and 1 minute warnings via direct message in a virtual setting and via time cards in a physical setting.
        Ensure that authors finish on time.
        • If authors go OVER TIME, politely but firmly interrupt, thanking them for their presentation and segue to the next speaker. 
    • After all papers have been presented, moderate the discussion session, asking your discussion questions or audience’s questions. Papers should be presented regardless of the number of attendees, as sessions are recorded.
    • Suggestion: Record comments and questions provided by yourself and the audience into the Google Document you created above, and ask the questions to the paper authors.
    • Give links for attendees to vote for Best Presentation at the end of the session: http://tiny.cc/ilrn23_bpa 
    • Record presenters’ attendance and send the list of attendees to laurissa@immersivelrn.org



    The program including information on session chairs is available here: https://www.immersivelrn.org/ilrn2023/program/program-ilrn2023-full-online-may18/

  • Presenters Instructions (San Luis Obispo)

    For face-to-face presentations

    iLRN2023 is a hybrid event but for San Luis Obispo presenters we expect them to present in the traditional way (slides presented to an audience, plus Q&A at the end). In the program, you can find the length of your presentation slot in your session. Please allow time for the Q&A when preparing your presentation (for example: if your presentation slot is 20 minutes, 15 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for Q&A could be appropriate). All paper sessions will be recorded.

    Presentation Slide Template: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1IEVXO-7_yPrQ0BsMx0S6Kx1ZnmFr6MiiIoEa_OYUL_w

    What should I bring for my presentation in San Luis Obispo?

    The rooms have audio visual equipment (projector, speakers, etc.) and computers for presentation. You will be asked to present from these local computers to facilitate session recording. Please be prepared to transfer your slides to the local computer (e.g., via USB stick, email or online storage). In addition to your presentation source files (e.g., Powerpoint slides, Google slides, etc.), please also bring the slides as PDF files in case of issues with the presentation files on the local computers.

    Please locate the room where you will be presenting and be there before the session starts. .If you have any queries please ask our volunteers on site.

  • Presenter Instructions (Online)

    For online presentations in the Virbela iLRN virtual campus

    • For preparation, download the iLRN Virtual Campus
      • Find your session location, upload your presentation, and make a bookmark (the star icon next to the URL on the presenter tool). Upload websites or secondary presentation materials and bookmark (to load quickly when you need it - or to bring up on second / third screens). See the instructions below for more info on how to do that. 
      • If you plan to share a video, do NOT upload it in Virbela. It will not work well. Rather, share your screen. 
      • While on campus, please wear headphones with a built in microphone. If you cannot, MUTE yourself while on campus and press the “1” button down to talk & release when not talking (like a walkie-talkie). 
      • If you have technical difficulties, please consult the iLRN Virtual Campus tech guide
    • At the time of your presentation, be sure to log on to the campus well before the session
      • Test your headphones and microphone and go to your session location
      • Your Session Chair should DM you via Virbela or talk to you at the session location. If they do not, feel free to DM them so that channel is open during your session. It may come in handy! 
      • You may scan the chat for questions and/or ask the Session Chair to assist. 

    For online presentations in Zoom

    If you have any questions or would like to speak with an iLRN Organizing Committee member, please contact us via conference@immersivelrn.org and/or hop on our Discord and ping us the #presenter-support channel! Again, thank you for presenting at iLRN2023!

  • How to Present on the iLRN Virtual Campus

    Presentation spaces will be set so that presenters can walk up on the stage and present. No special permissions are needed.

    For iLRN 2023, we would like our presenters to use the bookmark (star icon next to address bar)

    Screenshot 2023-05-16 180122.png


    One you bookmark your presentation materials, the bookmark attaches to your avatar’s account and goes with you everywhere on Campus.

    There are different format types that suit one-to-many presentations: 

    • Slide-sharing
    • Screen-sharing
    • Videos



    You may use PowerPoint slides but the slides are each converted to HTML static pages. There are no slide transitions or animations.


    How to use Google Slides

    1. Once you have completed your presentation, click on Share Screenshot 2023-05-16 180453.png
    2. Set your presentation so that “Anyone on the internet with the link can view
      Screenshot 2023-05-16 180716.png
    3. Click on “Copy link”.
    4. Bring this link with you to your on Campus rehearsal.
    5. Paste that link and place it in the address bar.
    6. Press Enter.
      Screenshot 2023-05-16 181234.png
    7. For “Start Presentation?” Click OK.
    8. When you mouse over the slides, the control bar will appear in the Presentation Tool window.
      Screenshot 2023-05-16 182716.png
    9. Make sure you are on Slide 1. Click on the bookmark star.
      Screenshot 2023-05-16 182853.png

    Now your presentation is ready for you!

    Would you like to practice? Here is a practice google slide presentation.



    This works well for demonstrations or if you absolutely want your audience to see the same content in sync.

    1. Click on “Share your screen” button
      How to Present on the iLRN Virtual Campus – iLRN2021-6.jpg
    2. For “Share your desktop?” Click OK. This shares your entire screen and only shares one monitor (cannot share from double monitors).
      How to Present on the iLRN Virtual Campus – iLRN2021-7.jpg
    3. Turn off screen sharing when you are done. (Hint: click back to a bookmark!)



    Presenters may share links to videos from YouTube or other sources. However, each avatar in the room is sent their own unique instance of the video, which means that the video does not necessarily sync for everyone in the room. (For example, if an avatar arrives in the room when the video is playing for everyone else, it will play from the beginning for just that avatar.) This can be jarring and annoying for the audience.

    Best practice is for presenters to put a link to the video in the address bar, press enter, and then play (from the source site then being displayed on the web board.)

    Then, once the video has played once, immediately replace the address bar with another source –for example clicking back to the bookmarked presentation.


    Interact with your audience!

    Don’t forget about your audience! Include them in your presentation:

    • You may mute and unmute the audience to take questions. Encourage the audience to use the Raise Hand button.
    • The chat pod may contain interesting questions or comments.
    • A moderator may accompany you with questions from other sources like Discord.
    • Ask the audience to respond to informal poll questions by using gestures like F1 (wave).


    Tips and tricks

    • The “2” key on your keyboard is your laser pointer. That only works when you point at a web board.
    • Presenting in a VR headset is highly discouraged, many of the presentation buttons do not appear for VR headset wearers.
    • Type /talkinghands and hit enter in the chat pod and your avatar will look like it is explaining something.

    Bring a friend who can act as your photographer or do an audience warm up like asking folks to do some gestures or do sound checks in the back of the room.

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