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iLRN2024 Proceedings (iLEAD and selected academic contributions) are now available at our Digital Library. Springer proceedings for Academic Full and Short papers will be available in the Fall. ×
  • Preparing for iLRN2023 Online

    iLRN2023 Online will be taking place across several platforms. Here's a guide to help you get ready for the conference.


    Accessing the iLRN Virtual Campus

    Some conference sessions are taking place on the iLRN Virtual Campus powered by our partner Virbela.

    Conference areas are only accessible by people who have registered for iLRN2023. If the email address you used to register for the conference is also associated with an iLRN Campus account, you have already been given access to conference areas. If you are new to the iLRN Campus, you should have received an invitation by email to join with a special access account. Make sure you:

    • Install the iLRN Campus client software
    • Log in, update the software, and update your avatar
    • Go to the conference areas to make sure you have access. If you are having trouble accessing the conference areas in Virbela, contact us at ilrn2023help@immersivelrn.org

    You can find more detailed instructions on installing the software here: https://www.immersivelrn.org/ilrn2023/preparing-virbela/

    If you need help using the software, visit the Virbela support page here: https://support.virbela.com/


    iLRN Virtual Campus Locations

    Conference events will take place in the following locations on campus.

    • iLRN2023 Main Stage: The first door inside the entrance of Metaverse Plaza
    • Conference Rooms in Metaverse Plaza: Orange Sunset, Blue Wave, Green Cactus, Grey Whale, and Pink Surfboard
    • Expo Hall: Teleport there from the door in the Metaverse Plaza
    • Gallery: The Immersive Learning Showcase is hosted here in the next building, just behind Metaverse Plaza
    • Branch House Meeting Rooms. Open rooms in the Metaverse Plaza for meeting on branch/track related topics 

    You can navigate quickly to these locations using the campus map (icon in the upper right corner of the screen) or by clicking iLRN2023 on the GO TO menu. The conference program will be updated with the campus locations for sessions soon: https://www.immersivelrn.org/ilrn2023/program

    Aerial View of Metaverse Plaza.png



    Some conference sessions will be hosted in Zoom. Links to Zoom sessions will be sent you by email a few days before the conference. Zoom links will also be posted on the information booth screens in the Expo Hall.

    Make sure you have Zoom installed and updated on your preferred devices: https://www.zoom.com/


    The iLRN Website

    We are working hard to make our new iLRN website (the site you're on right now!) the main hub for communicating with our members. Please consider making a free account by clicking the "Sign Up" button in the upper right corner of the site.


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