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iLRN2024 Proceedings (iLEAD and selected academic contributions) are now available at our Digital Library. Springer proceedings for Academic Full and Short papers will be available in the Fall. ×

Session 18 Growing the Knowledge Tree: Core concepts, methods, outcomes, and tools


Event details

Location ZOOM Researchers


The Immersive Learning Knowledge Tree is a conceptual framework that supports a common understanding of the diverse field of immersive learning. The ILKT is based on 1) The premise of the importance of developing a common language; 2) The premise of the importance of not only using similar terminology as other researchers, but also having a deep understanding of how the methods researchers utilize in their own research are similar or different from those used by others; and 3) The premise of advancing the use of common theoretical approaches and models. Since its initial inception, the ILKT has developed core concepts, methods, outcomes, and tools/instruments. The ILKT also has significant plans for future development. This presentation will provide a brief overview of what the ILKT is, what has been done to develop it thus far, and what our plans are for the future. 

About Dennis Beck: Dennis Beck is an Associate Professor of Educational Technology at the University of Arkansas. In his teaching, he enjoys teaching teachers/trainers how to use technology in their classrooms. His research focuses on and advocates for digital, educational equity for vulnerable populations, with an emphasis on culturally and linguistically diverse students, special education students, and older adults. In this stream, he has completed a mapping of reviews of educational practices and strategies within immersive learning environments, and he has examined the use of immersive learning environments for providing life skills training for low functioning adults on the autism spectrum. He has also studied special education parent and student satisfaction with cyber schooling, as well as the impact of homework and teacher-student and student-student interaction on achievement and student and parent satisfaction in cyber schools.  In order to better understand the impacts of cyber schooling on vulnerable populations, he has studied whether bullying is pushing non-binary students away from traditional public schools and into cyber schools. He also has helped to lead the Immersive Learning Research Network, an international collaboration of scholars and practitioners who are committed to learning more about how to use immersive technologies in education. 

About Leonel Morgado: Leonel Morgado is Associate Professor with Habilitation, at the Portuguese Open University, where he lectures on research methods, programming, and the use of virtual worlds. He is also Vice-President of the Audit Board of the Portuguese Society of Videogame Sciences, and board member of the international research association, Immersive Learning Research Network. His main research interest is the use and development of virtual worlds as tools for learning and business, which he pursues since 2000, focusing on immersive environments since 2006. He authored over 200 papers, in journals, conferences, and as book chapters. Before pursuing an academic career, he was business and technical manager of an hardware import, distribution, and retail company, terminologist for the localization teams of MS Office 97 and Oracle InterOffice, language quality specialist for IBM/Lotus, a coordinator of Web-development and software-deployment teams, and manager of a cooperative extension team fighting the digital divide in rural villages.

This event is part of the iLRN2023 Online Conference.
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