How to Prepare for iLRN2023 – Virbela
Many of the events in the iLRN2023 conference happen on the iLRN Virtual Campus, powered by Virbela.
Step 1. Download and Install the Client Software
If you do not have the Virbela client software installed on your computer, you will need to do that first.
Go to https://www.virbela.com/install?id=ilrn, download the version of the software for your operating system (Windows or Mac), and install it on your computer. Instructions for installing the software can be found further down on the download page.
Step 2. Run the Client Software and Update It
Run the iLRN Virtual Campus client software. If it is the first time you are logging in or if you have not logged in recently, the software will need to update. This can take some time depending on the speed of your computer and Internet connection.
Step 3. Login and Verify Your Conference Access Privileges
Log in to the iLRN Campus using your email address and password. If you have forgotten your password, click the "Forgot password?" link underneath the password field. A password reset email will be sent to whatever email address you have entered in the "Login" field.
If this is the first time you are logging in to Virbela or it has been a while since your last login, the software will take you into the avatar creator. The avatar creation screen has a lot of options, so be sure to leave yourself some time to get creative with your look!
Once you are on campus, go to the Metaverse Plaza and go into any of the doors. If your access privileges are set correctly for the conference, you should be able to go in any of those rooms. If you see an error message, please contact us at ilrn2023help@immersivelrn.org and we will help you troubleshoot the issue.
Thank you for registering for iLRN2023. We hope you enjoy the conference!