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iLRN2024 Proceedings (iLEAD and selected academic contributions) are now available at our Digital Library. Springer proceedings for Academic Full and Short papers will be available in the Fall. ×
  • iLRN ARG News: 
    Answering the (alternate) Question
    ow can Alternate Reality Games be useful in Education and Learning? 


    coming to iLRN2024? immerse yourself in the alternate reality of Project Vanguard!

    We have ONLY 25 Tickets


    Will you take part in our exclusive Alternate Reality Experience created by iLRN Volunteer  and our partners at Hitcher Encounters? 

    * Discover clues about the disappearance of prolific iLRN scholar Dr. Katrina Bryce  

    * Following the narrative storyline developed by Hitcher Encounter's Arathi Suresh

    * Hidden across a variety of different iLRN immersive spaces contributed by the iLRN community in our Immersive Learning Showcase. 

    * encapsuled in  a Unity game engine "Walking Simulator" project developed by Lucas Liu and his amazing team 

    * Serious Gamers only (get it?) 

    Tickets will be issued based on player registration information reviewed by the Project Vanguard ARG team.  

    Register NOW and be considered for this EPIC iLRN JOURNEY (<- - - click to visit our Project Vanguard iLRN2024 Eventbrite registration, separate from the regular iLRN registration platform)

  • Project Vanguard: A Modern Day Scottish Odyssey is Hitcher Encounters’ latest ARG commissioned by the Immersive Learning Research Network for the 2024 Conference in Scotland. Structured as a clue-based mystery game, this bespoke intimate design invites conference attendees to engage with featured research, experiment with a variety of game mechanics and evaluate its application in educational environments.


    GLIMMER (Global Learning Initiative: Metaverse Mechanics Exploration and Restoration) is a web-based walking simulator and a part of the narrative in Project Vanguard. Developed by a team of game designers and artists, including industry professionals and talented students, this key modality of iLRN's Alternate Reality Game features immersive learning experiences contributed by iLRN members, themselves. 

  • Our Project Vanguard Development Team


  • Angela Chen, Project Vanguard Developer

    Angela Chen, Project Vanguard Developer is a second-year computer science major at Cal Poly, interested in the field of virtual and mixed reality. Some of their hobbies include graphic design and dance. Angela is excited to dive into game development with this ARG project and work on creating an engaging, accessible UI!


  • Justin Scabarozi, Project Vanguard Developer
  • Justin Scabarozi, Project Vanguard Developer is a Software Engineering Graduate from Cal Poly, whose passion is game design. Justin loves working on the mechanics and design elements. Some of his favorite games are the new God of War, Pokémon, Mother 3, and Baldur's Gate 3! Justin says he is very excited to see where this project goes! check out:  https://www.linkedin.com/in/justin-scabarozi-620329219/ and https://freshly-minted.com/projects/

  • Lucas Li, Project Vanguard Lead Developer
  • Lucas Li, Project Vanguard Lead Developer is master's student in Computer Science, specializing in computer graphics. Currently serving as the Game Development Lead at iLRN, Lucas is driving the creation of an innovative ARG. In this role, Lucas oversees game development and project management, contributing to designing a 3D immersive game. Beyond his academic pursuits, Lucas is an avid game developer and musician, blending technical expertise with a creative flair; checkout Lucas's site for more detail: https://gelzonexunsas.github.io/

  • Jeremiah, Project Vanguard Developer
  • Jeremiah, Project Vanguard Developer is a 5th-year computer science student from Cal Poly with a minor in Computing for the Interactive Arts. Jeremiah is passionate about interactive media, artistic programming, VR/AR/MR development, and computer animation and graphics. He is excited to work with the team on the ARG as a technical artist and use this experience in future interactive media projects.

  • iLRN's 2024 alternate reality game
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