iLRN Grants and Sponsored Research Development Team
The iLRN Grants Development Network is where members of iLRN can collaborate on research and applied projects through grants and sponsored research opportunities. Our Grants Development team has been brainstorming ways to make iLRN's expertise available as partners, affiliates, and collaborators on grant proposals related to research in immersive learning. We believe iLRN can be a valuable contributor to immersive learning research grants in an advisory, design, and/or dissemination role through the power of the iLRN network. Researchers and innovators who are developing grant proposals are invited to consider involving the iLRN international nonprofit 501(c)3 organization, and we welcome discussion about how we can be an asset in developing, conducting, and disseminating your work. Our iLRN non-profit can be a collective impact partner in developing coordinated research agendas and grant development, bringing together technology designers and developers, learning and assessment researchers, educators, schools, and test sites, program evaluators, innovative pathways for dissemination, and advisors with expertise in all aspects of immersive education.
The Team is presently scheduling a number of writing teams to develop proposals for a number of submissions in the fall 2024. Please share your ideas about collaborating with iLRN on grant proposals or reach out to us with your project ideas by emailing research@immersivelrn.org