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iLRN2024 Proceedings (iLEAD and selected academic contributions) are now available at our Digital Library. Springer proceedings for Academic Full and Short papers will be available in the Fall. ×
  • iLRN Conference News & Updates!

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    CONGRATULATIONS to all accepted paper authors  and presenters!

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - We are THRILLED you’re joining us in June for our 10th annual network conference! 


    EARLY BIRD REGISTRATION for online and Scotland conference is now open


    Early Bird registration has been extended to May 10th! 
    Register now!

  • iLRN2024 ONLINE: June 3, 4, & 5! 

    High quality Academic, Design, Education, and Futures presentations for our 5th online conference to take place across a variety of web-based and virtual platforms, including Frame VR, Engage VR, Virbela, and Cvent. Join us for the induction of iLRN First Circle of Scholars and the iLRN conference for Guided Virtual Adventures, workshops, and presentations from around the world - with times sensitive to Asia-Pacific, European, and American schedules! 

  • iLRN2024: Scotland

    • 9th June, 2024: Pre-Conference Tour:   immerse in Scotland and put you in good company with fellow immersive learning professionals in preparation for the conference! Join us in the morning for a tour of student exhibitions at The Glasgow School of Art, followed by a tour of downtown Glasgow’s murals and the art of this quintessentially Scottish city - completing our day in a local pub for a pint or a wee bit of whiskey and fellowship. Registrants are eligible to win a pair of Meta Rayban sunglasses in exchange for sharing your stories of the iLRN2024 conference throughout the week!

    • 10th June, 2024: Opening Day of iLRN2024: Scotland! The University of Glasgow hosts our 10th iLRN Conference with a full day of presentations. Don't miss our Civic Reception at the Glasgow City Chambers with a special welcome by the city's mayor and invocation of our iLRN Circle of Scholars - with a very special iLRN2024 Gala Dinner in Glasgow City Chambers to follow with traditional Scottish fare (dietary options available), dancing, singing, poetry, and, of course, bagpipes!  

    • 11th June, 2024: Trip to St. Andrews, Scotland. Hop on the iLRN bus and travel from Glasgow to the University of St. Andrews for a full day of exploration and conference presentations related to this year's Special Track on Immersive Learning and Sustainability in the Climate Crisis! Choose your bus ride home to determine the games and fun you'll have. 

    • 12th June, 2024: University of Glasgow's ARC Lab with presentations, exhibitions & workshops! Learn from fellow experts in immersive learning and explore offerings from iLRN vendors and hands-on exhibitions. The evening's Awards Ceremony will present our 10th annual awards for best contributions to iLRN, followed by a toast and celebration. 

    • 13th June, 2024: University of Glagow's ARC Lab, exhibitions & workshops! Don't miss out on the final day of the iLRN2024 conference, including best paper presentations, special network announcements and a passing of the iLRN torch to iLRN2025: Chicago, Illinois! 

    Program iLRN 2024 Scotland

  • iLRN2024 Gold Sponsor
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