Attendee Hub for Speakers
1. Join the session from the Attendee Website. Login into the Attendee Hub here: https://cvent.me/D8z09O. Then navigate to your session's page. Click Join as speaker 10 minutes before your session's scheduled start time.
If you do not see a Join as speaker button, join the session as an attendee and click the Raise your hand button to get the attention of the host, who will allow you to become a speaker.
Upon entering the session, use the Speaker Controls to test your audio and video to make sure they're working correctly. The Speaker Controls work similarly to other video conferencing platforms.
2. Check in with the host. After joining the session, touch base with the host on any session administrative details you want to review. Five minutes before the session start time, the video meeting room will be opened to attendees, so make sure to wrap up your review beforehand.
3. Audience Engagement. Controls on the right side (see above) allow you to see the session chat and any questions submitted by attendees. You can use the Polls feature if you would like to survey the audience. The Survey button goes to a sessions survey.To find out more about polling, read this article: