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iLRN2024 Proceedings (iLEAD and selected academic contributions) are now available at our Digital Library. Springer proceedings for Academic Full and Short papers will be available in the Fall. ×
  • Presentation Requirements and Materials

    What do I need to prepare for my presentation at iLRN2023?

    To help with forming a knowledge basis on immersive learning, presenters are asked to submit a video about their research which will then be uploaded to the iLRN YouTube channel

    A video is mandatory for all poster presentations (Work-in-progress submissions). Video submissions for all other presentation types is optional, but to be considered for iLRN Awards, submitting a video is strongly encouraged and will be considered in the ranking of presentations. Other requirements for each conference track are presented in the table below.






    Optional - 8 min max




    Optional - 8 min max




    YES - 5 min max




    Optional - 8 min max




    Optional - 8 min max




    YES - 5 mins max



    Guidelines for videos

    We request authors use this resource to describe their work in ways not possible in print—such as providing a guided tour through immersive learning experiences while highlighting relevant aspects of the XR and immersive learning space from the learner’s perspective, experimental methods, instruments, data, context for the study, and key findings and context of the work.

    We highly encourage you to take cues from or use the PechaKucha format (20 slides x 20 seconds) — using imagery (videos, pictures) as much as possible, using text and figures as lightly as possible, and insofar as you are able following the Video Abstract sequence, to use storytelling techniques to create your presentation for the Conference.

    IMPORTANT: Your video must begin with an iLRN title slide displayed to 5 seconds of silence, and end with a final slide displayed to 5 seconds of silence. 

    Download Title Slide Template for your Video

    Download Google Slides presentation template with Title Slide included

    PLEASE NOTE: absolutely no unauthorized copyrighted content may be included in your video — this includes music, images, and video. By submitting your video you warrant that you own the material in the video and that you consent to iLRN publishing it under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike (CC BY-NC-SA) license.


    Suggested sequence for the Video:

    1. Intro and Background/Related Work

    Introduce the research problem and use clearly legible font in your video if possible to state your research question/s and relevant research perspective or framework under investigation. Use visuals to represent the research problem space as well as you can—infographics, archetypal examples of the research space being investigated; seminal literature useful for framing your work; what is most interesting about your research?

    2. Immersive

    Show and describe the approach your work takes on the concept of “immersive” whether through challenges (flow, engagement, stimulus, etc.), narrative (absorption with the story, sense of presence, agency, embodiment, etc.), or degree of subjective impression of being in a place (via augmented audio-visual elements, instrumented environment that reacts to users, displays and headsets,haptic feedback, etc.).

    3. Learning

    Demonstrate or highlight the connections to learning, training, or education that the research inquiry underscores or makes explicit. If there is assessment associated with the learning experience,please make clear to the audience how that fits within the research inquiry.

    4. Method

    Tell your audience about how you carried out your investigation; using what instruments or technique; following what procedure or process.

    5. Findings and Implications/Recommendations

    What was found (or, in the case of Works in Progress,what do you hope / expect to find?) and what are the implications?

    6. Conclusion and Future Directions

    Given this work, what do you hope or plan to do next? What other research issues or areas interconnect with this study that the audience may find of interest? Try to connect your research to a body of work within the XR-for-learning field or suggest creative connections that you see may be of interest to the viewer.


    Guidelines for posters

    iLRN 2023 will have physical (at San Luis Obispo) and virtual (at the Virtual Campus) poster sessions. Posters from both sessions will be collected digitally to be placed in the Virtual Campus Expo Hall. Authors from the physical session are invited to participate (present or attend) in the virtual poster session.

    Your poster must be in the form of a single image containing a visual display of your work, which will be displayed in an exclusive booth.

    Ensure your digital poster image complies with the following specifications.

    • Dimensions (W x H): 1500 x 1500 pixels.

    • Transparency: None.

    • Acceptable image formats: JPEG or PNG only.

    • File name: For Academic Stream posters, the filename should consist of the submission ID ONLY and nothing else (e.g., 103.jpg or 103.png). For Practitioner Stream posters, use the first presenter’s last name (e.g., Smith.jpg or Smith.png).

    • File size: No larger than 2 MB

    Physical poster presentation (for San Luis Obispo, California)

    Physical poster presenters are required to prepare a physical printed poster for the poster session. The size of the poster should not exceed 84.1 × 118.9 cm (A0 format).

    These posters will be displayed at a circulation space as part of a poster presentation session, where presenters will stand next to their poster, fielding questions and potentially talking through its contents.

    Virtual poster presentation (for iLRN Virtual Campus)

    For the virtual poster session you will be expected to station your avatar in the booth and engage in dialogue with conference delegates about your work during a designated poster session.

    Optionally, you can create a Google Slide deck to be placed in your booth to complement your poster. Poster presenters aspiring toward a Best Poster Award are strongly encouraged to make use of this opportunity to creatively incorporate different media types into their poster display. If you choose to create a slide deck, we recommend you embed the video on one of the slides.

    For the Google Slide deck, the URL, when entered into a web browser, must display the slides in Presentation Mode, beginning with the first slide. (Hint: Replace “edit” in the URL with “present” and remove “?slide=XXX” at the end. The URL should look something like this: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/XXXXXXXXXX/present )

    Submission instructions

    Submit all your digital materials for presentation at iLRN 2023 using the Presentation Materials form.

    Submit your iLRN2023 Presentation Materials

    • Video: Upload the MP4 file to a folder on Google Drive (or NiHao Cloud if you are in China and unable to use Google Drive), ensuring that you set the permissions to enable public downloading. Important: We must be able to actually download the MP4 file, not just watch the video in a browser. 
    • Poster: Upload the JPEG or PNG image file and the MP4 video file (if any) to a folder on Google Drive (or NiHao Cloud if you are in China and unable to use Google Drive), ensuring that you set the permissions to enable public downloading. Important: We must be able to actually download the files, not just view them in a browser.

    In the form, please enter the URLs from which your video and/or poster file can be downloaded. The URLs must point directly to the JPEG/PNG and MP4 files themselves and not to folders or to pages on which the media are embedded. Please test to make sure that when the URL is entered into a web browser, the download begins immediately without any further user intervention (i.e., no need to click on anything further or have permission).

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