Preparing Your Academic Camera-Ready Paper Version (Work-in-progress / Doctoral Colloquium)
Follow the steps below to prepare your camera-ready submission.
The instructions below pertain only to WORK-IN-PROGRESS AND DOCTORAL COLLOQUIM PAPERS in the Academic Stream submitted via EasyChair that have been accepted for the conference following the peer-review process. We are not accepting new submissions at this stage.
For Full and Short papers in the Academic Stream submitted via EasyChair that have been accepted for the conference following the peer-review process please refer to the Academic Full and Short papers camera-ready instructions. We are not accepting new submissions at this stage.
For Practitioner Stream contributions that have been accepted, there is no need to take the steps below to prepare a camera-ready submission. Please refer to the Practitioner Stream camera-ready instructions for more information.
STEP 1. Reinstate any information previously removed for double-blind peer-review
This includes:
- Author names, affiliations, and email addresses. Double-check that all the authors are included, correctly spelled and in the correct order.
- Citations of and references to the authors’ own publications.
- Any identifiers appearing within figures that were obscured to conceal the identity of the author(s) and/or their institution(s).
- Funding sources and other acknowledgements.
IMPORTANT: After the camera-ready documents are submitted to the publisher it will not be possible to change any of these details.
STEP 2. Address the reviewers’ feedback and proofread the paper to eliminate spelling, grammatical, punctuation, and other errors
Please revise your paper considering the reviewers’ feedback, documenting in a separate document your changes and your response to each point raised by the reviewers and an indication of what action was taken as a result. You should do this in the table included in the Camera-Ready Submission Checklist and the Responses to Reviewers Form (see step 4). The Camera-Ready Submission Checklist and the Responses to Reviewers Form along with your camera-ready paper is required for your contribution to be included in the proceedings.
Please perform thorough proofreading to ensure that your final paper is free of language and typographical errors prior to submission. Corrections after you submit your paper, won’t be accepted.
If you are an author from a non-English-speaking background, please obtain editorial assistance from a colleague who is a native English speaker and/or engage a commercial language editing service.
STEP 3. Check the paper for compliance with the iLRN Proceedings format
- Please use a fresh copy of the template for reference to the instructions and examples that it contains, even if the original paper submitted for review was already prepared using the above Microsoft Word® template. Compare it side-by-side with your paper to make sure each element is formatted exactly as it should be.
Download WIP/DC Camera-Ready Paper Template
Important Notes
- The use of any other templates is not acceptable as there are subtle differences between other templates (e.g. journals, magazines) and the conference template, as that will affect the consistency in the appearance of contributions published in the proceedings.
- Do not change the paper size or margins in the template. If your text goes beyond the allocated number of pages for your contribution (see page lengths below) please edit the content to fit in. Changing the paper size or margins will only delay the process of submission as you will be asked to restore the margins and edit your content.
- The headers and footers must remain empty. (They should not contain page numbers or anything else!)
- Formatting of the paper must be done using the predefined styles in the template, rather than manually. The paper must use all the predefined font styles, sizes, etc. as per the template.
Page lengths must fall within the stipulated page ranges for their relevant submission category (inclusive of any tables, figures, references, and appendices) as listed below:
- Work-in-Progress paper (Academic poster): 4 to 7 pages (iLRN Proceedings format)
- Doctoral Colloquium (DC) paper:4 to 7 pages (iLRN Proceedings format)
NOTE: If the paper does not adhere fully to the style/formatting and referencing/citation requirements, it may be REJECTED by publication. Please check—and double or triple-check—that you have followed all of the instructions and examples in the template!
STEP 4. Complete the Camera-Ready Submission Checklist
The Camera-Ready Submission Checklist and the Responses to Reviewers Form will need to be completed and uploaded to our conference submission system (EasyChair) along with your camera-ready paper later, in step 6.
Download Final Submission Checklist and Response to Reviewers Form
- On the first and second page, add your Paper ID (the one you were given by our conference submission system -EasyChair- when you submitted your paper for peer review) and Title, and work your way through the checklist and ensure that each requirement has been fully met.
- On the third page, complete the table to show how you have addressed each of the issues/concerns raised by the Program Chairs and reviewers in their feedback (which you should have documented in step 2)
STEP 5. Complete and sign the copyright form
Download the copyright form, complete it and sign it. The copyright form is the document that allows us to publish your paper in our proceedings and index it in other places. If you don’t complete this step we won’t be able to publish your paper.
Download iLRN 2023 Copyright Form
- Please make sure you add the title of your paper and include all the authors’ names.
- Sign the document. If you do not work for the US or UK government sign the General Terms section only.
Important Notes
- Please consider the environment—there is no need to print the copyright form! The form can and should be completed and signed electronically (with valid electronic signatures), and it is strongly recommended that you use Adobe Reader (free) for this purpose.
- Mac users: Please do not use the Preview app since when it opens in a Windows machine signatures cannot be seen and this will delay (or even halt) the publication of your paper.
- For the iLRN Publication Title section, enter the following: 2023 9th International Conference of the Immersive Learning Research Network (iLRN 2023)
STEP 6. Upload your camera-ready paper and accompanying files to EasyChair
Your final submission must be uploaded to our conference submission system (EasyChair), no later than the camera-ready deadline. Please see the Important Dates table in the Conference home page for the official conference deadlines.
Your submission MUST consist of the following 4 files:
- Your completed Camera-Ready Submission Checklist and the Responses to Reviewers Form (Step 4 of this list).
- Your completed and SIGNED Copyright Form (Step 5 of this list).
- Editable version of your camera-ready paper (Microsoft Word®, LaTeX or Overleaf). If you used LaTex or Overleaf, please include all the files and folders used in a .zip file and upload this (include all .tex and .bib files, images used and related files). Failing in doing so will delay publication of your paper.
- PDF version of your camera-ready paper.
Please note that camera-ready submissions cannot be accepted via email.
Upload your documents to EasyChair
- To upload your documents login to EasyChair, and under the menu "My Submissions" got to the details page using the icon under the column "View".
- Once there, select the option "Add or update files" on the top right menu
- This will take you to the uploads page
Important Notes
● Ensure the title, abstract, and keywords entered on the submission form in the conference’s EasyChair submission system are EXACTLY as they appear in the PDF of your camera-ready paper. (i.e. copy and paste from the editable file—not the PDF—into the web form.) Be aware that if there are discrepancies, there may be problems when we send your contribution to the publisher.
- For any questions related to the camera-ready submission process or any other publications related inquiry please contact ilrn2023.publications<at>immersivelrn.org
- For any other questions related to the iLRN 2023 conference please contact conference<at>immersivelrn.org or join our Discord channel to speak directly to our team