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iLRN2024 Proceedings (iLEAD and selected academic contributions) are now available at our Digital Library. Springer proceedings for Academic Full and Short papers will be available in the Fall. ×
  • Dear immersive learning vendors,

    We invite you to sign up for a booth at our upcoming 9th annual virtual conference focused on the latest trends and innovations in immersive learning. As a vendor in this space, your expertise and offerings would be a valuable addition to the conference. We know the growing value of immersive learning and believe that, despite the "hype" deflating in the tech industry as a whole and "Metaverse"-related activity in particular, that there is great value in what we're creating together. iLRNetwork is about sharing evidence for why immersive learning works best and creating dialogue and practice around those conversations. 

    Because of the challenges imposed on all of us by the current economic conditions, we've dropped the price for inclusion in this year's vendor expo to allow as many vendors as possible the opportunity to connect and collaborate at iLRN2023 by showcasing your products. 

    The conference will be held entirely online on our iLRN Virtual Campus powered by Virbela, making it accessible to attendees from all over the world. This presents a unique, embodied opportunity for you to showcase your products and services to a global audience of educators, trainers, and other professionals interested in immersive learning. Our iLRN Expo Hall is ready for the immersive learning community; welcome. 

    By participating in this event, you will be making a small donation to iLRN, a non-profit organization and have the chance to connect with potential customers, demonstrate your products, and engage in discussions with attendees about the latest developments in the field. You will also be able to network with other vendors and experts in immersive learning, potentially leading to new collaborations and partnerships. 

    If you are interested in participating, please reserve a booth in our store: Reserve an iLRN2023 Techspo Booth!

    If you have any questions, please contact us at expo@immersivelrn.org. We look forward to hearing from you and hope that you will join us for what promises to be an exciting and informative event. 

    Let's Immerse and Let's Learn!

    Let's Surf! 

    ,~ The iLRN2023 Conference Team

    • Small booth ($50 US)
    • Medium booth ($200 US)
    • Large booth ($1,000 US)
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