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iLRN2024 Proceedings (iLEAD and selected academic contributions) are now available at our Digital Library. Springer proceedings for Academic Full and Short papers will be available in the Fall. ×
  • Academic Stream

    The Academic Stream of the conference is for those who wish to publish academic peer-reviewed contributions in the IEEE conference proceedings.

    All-Academic Stream papers that are accepted, registered and presented at the conference will be published in the conference proceedings and submitted for inclusion in IEEE Xplore®.


    1. Decide in which paper category you will submit

    • Full papers are peer-reviewed scholarly contributions of 6 to 8 double-column pages* in standard IEEE conference paper format. They are presented at the conference using a "flipped" model, whereby presenters pre-record a video of up to 10 minutes in length for attendees to watch before attending the relevant live session, freeing up the bulk of the session time for interaction and audience questions. Presenters will be grouped together in sessions based on topics. During the session, each presenter gives a 5-minute slide-supported lightning talk recapping the main ideas from their video, and in the remaining time, they take part in a moderated discussion with the other presenters as well as with attendees, facilitated by a Session Chair. Full papers that are accepted, registered, and presented at the conference will be included in the conference proceedings and submitted for inclusion in IEEE Xplore®.
    • Short papers are peer-reviewed scholarly contributions of 4 to 5 double-column pages* in standard IEEE conference paper format. They are presented at the conference using a "flipped" model, whereby presenters pre-record a video of up to 7 minutes in length for attendees to watch before attending the relevant live session, freeing up the bulk of the session time for interaction and audience questions. Presenters will be grouped together in sessions based on topics. During the session, each presenter gives a 3-minute slide-supported lightning talk recapping the main ideas from their video, and in the remaining time, they take part in a moderated discussion with the other presenters as well as with attendees, facilitated by a Session Chair. Short papers that are accepted, registered, and presented at the conference will be included in the conference proceedings and submitted for inclusion in IEEE Xplore®.
    • Work-in-progress papers (Academic posters) are peer-reviewed scholarly contributions of 2 to 3 double-column pages* in standard IEEE conference paper format. They are presented at the conference by way of a single image containing a visual display of the presenter's work that will be shown in the virtual Expo Hall on the iLRN Virtual Campus. Presenters are expected to station themselves by their posters and engage in dialogue with conference delegates about their work during a designated poster session. Presenters of accepted Work-in-progress papers may also optionally create a pre-recorded video of up to 5 minutes in length and/or a Google Slide deck to complement their paper and poster. Work-in-progress papers that are accepted, registered, and presented at the conference will be included in the conference proceedings and submitted for inclusion in IEEE Xplore®.
    • Doctoral Colloquium (DC) papers are peer-reviewed scholarly contributions of 2 to 3 double-column pages* in standard IEEE conference paper format, whose first or sole author is a doctoral (or master's by research) student or candidate. DC presenters create a pre-recorded video of 5 - 7 minutes in length describing their research or proposed research as well as give a live presentation during a designated DC session before engaging in a moderated discussion with one another and with the audience. More details about the DC can be found below on this page.

    *These are strict page limits, and all figures, tables, references, as well as any other front or back matter (e.g., abstracts and appendixes) are included in the limit. Exceptions cannot be made.

    Paper review criteria

    All-Academic papers will undergo double-blind peer review based on the following criteria:

    • Contribution to immersive learning research
    • Originality and/or innovativeness
    • Methodological rigour
    • Claims/conclusions (including discussion of implications and limitations)
    • Language and writing style


    2. Download the IEEE paper template and check the guidelines

    The purpose of a conference template is to provide a consistent format for papers appearing in the conference proceedings. IEEE conference templates contain guidance text for composing and formatting conference papers. Please ensure that all guidance text is removed from your paper prior to submission to the conference.

    IEEE provides templates in Microsoft Word®, LaTeX and Overleaf.

    Important Guidelines

    • The use of any other IEEE templates is not acceptable as there are subtle differences between other IEEE templates (e.g. journals or magazines) and the conference template, as that will affect the consistency in the appearance of contributions published in the proceedings.
    • Do not change the paper size or margins in the template.
    • The headers and footers must remain empty. (They should not contain page numbers or anything else!)
    • Formatting of the paper must be done using the predefined styles in the template, rather than manually. The paper must use all the predefined font styles, sizes, etc. as per the template.
    • Basic examples of citations and references are included in the template. For more comprehensive information on citations and references, see the IEEE Reference Guide. Note that where there are conflicts between the template and the IEEE Reference Guide, the Reference Guide prevails.
    • Failure to remove template text from your paper may result in your paper not being published.
    • Paper lengths must fall within the stipulated page ranges for their relevant submission category (inclusive of any tables, figures, references, and appendices).
    • Do not include authors' information in the document. This is needed for the double-blind review process. Authors' information includes:

    -- Author names, affiliations, and email addresses;
    -- Citations of and references to the authors' own publications;
    -- Any identifiers appearing within figures that were obscured to conceal the identity of the author(s) and/or their institution(s);

    -- Funding sources and other acknowledgements.

     (Make sure you use the U.S. Letter size version)



    3. Submit your paper

    Papers should be saved in PDF format and submitted online via the conference’s ConfTool submission system. Please note that submissions cannot be accepted via email.


    • Before submitting, please make sure that you followed the Important Guidelines in step 2
    • You will receive notification of the review process outcome as per our Important Dates calendar.


    4. Register to the conference

    Registration requirements

    • For each accepted paper in the Academic Stream, at least one author is required to register at the Academic rate.
    • Each Academic registration covers a single paper only; additional papers may be added to the registration for a supplemental fee.
    • No author may be the registered presenter on more than two Full or Short papers, even with the payment of the supplemental fees. There is no limit, however, on the number of additional Work-in-progress or Doctoral Colloquium papers on which an author may be the registered presenter (with payment of the supplemental fees).


    5. Prepare your camera-ready paper and presentation materials

    If your paper was accepted and you have registered to attend the conference:

    1. Prepare your camera-ready version paper (this is the one that will be submitted to the IEEE Xplore®) following the requirements here. Please make sure you follow the requirements completely otherwise your paper submission to IEEE will be delayed or removed.
    2. Prepare your presentation and materials following the requirements here. Please make sure you follow the indications completely otherwise you won’t be allowed to present at the conference.

    If you will be presenting at iLRN’s Virtual Campus, please follow the guidance and advice here on how to use the platform.

    Prepare your camera-ready version paper
    Prepare your presentation and materials
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