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iLRN2024 Proceedings (iLEAD and selected academic contributions) are now available at our Digital Library. Springer proceedings for Academic Full and Short papers will be available in the Fall. ×

Genesis ARG: Heat Three



Event details

The world as we know it is in jeopardy. Rumor has it that the sinister Dr. Roberto Nasir, who mysteriously disappeared six months ago, is back and ready to launch his latest invention, Genesis. Moreover, our expert group of data scientists have just reported that he is looking to hire participants for his final set of trials for this ‘world changing’ machine.

Hitcher Encounters has joined hands with iLRN in this race against time and we are looking for the most intellectual, adventure seeking recruits to protect innocent lives and stop this evil scientist. Does this sound like you?

Join a global team of high performing individuals to track and bring down one of the most dangerous fugitives of the scientific community.

Genesis, Hitcher Encounters’ latest metaverse AR experience, welcomes all adventure-loving immersive tech enthusiasts and novices.

NOTE: Participant Players should select ONLY one heat to participate in.

SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS:  All iLRN Genesis participants will need the following to fully engage in the game: 

  • Internet-connected device with access to a web browser. Must be able to access websites, a shared Google drive folder, and FrameVR
  • A device with WhatsApp installed and available to use
  • Virbela installed
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