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Should iLRN remain on Twitter?



We've been back and forth with the Twitter. As many of you know, while Twitter has always been a place for loud and opinionated forms of expression, the platform has become more acerbic, more permissive (even supportive) of negative, exclusionary, and inflammatory stances over the past few years. While we still find a lot of community potential there, the garbage-to-nutrition ratio has just reached a point where we are openly questioning its utility any longer. We've looked at Mastodon, and many other social media alternatives and while still open to any possibilities, have yet to find a real path to replacement. LinkedIn seems our best current social media platform and we're happy to continue building the iLRN presence there

But this trend on Twitter is clearly Anti-Science in the growing voices attempting to drown out evidence-based claims and careful analysis tempered with (usually) humility with cascades of posturing, blame-casting and ego. 

Indeed, the larger scientific community, which once found great value in Twitter, is continuing their exodus

"In light of what's happened over the last several months — and over the weekend — I believe we're at an inflection point where the risk/benefit analysis for folks such as myself is shifting to looking at going somewhere else," said Jorge Caballero, founder of Distal Labs, a non-profit that builds digital tools for grassroots advocacy groups."

Perhaps we can use THIS platform, our new iLRNetwork Intranet to build dialogue - although we're not sure if we can attract sufficient numbers of you to engage, given how busy everyone is and how fractionated one's attention generally is on the Internet. hmmm. 

What do you think, iLRNetwork community? We'd love to hear your thoughts! 


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