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iLRN2024 Proceedings (iLEAD and selected academic contributions) are now available at our Digital Library. Springer proceedings for Academic Full and Short papers will be available in the Fall. ×
  • Wake: Tales from the Aqualab

    Michael Hamaoka
    Wake: Tales from the Aqualab is a 6th-9th grade science game that challenges students with engaging, authentic missions in a variety of ocean-based ecosystems.
    Branch House: House 5. STEM Education
    Learning Sectors: K-12 (Secondary)
    Platform: WebGL, WebXR, or other web technology

    Go to the URL and click the Play Wake button. Follow the on-screen instructions.

    Skills / Lessons Learned:
    In Wake, students take on the role of a scientist studying ocean ecosystems, traveling to different ocean research sites to answer questions and solve problems. As they progress at their own pace, players are guided to gradually take on more complex science challenges.

    Learner Engagement:
    The game includes 53 jobs, and immerses students in a rich world that includes rich, realistic representations of aquatic ecosystems, virtual characters with a variety of personalities, and an engaging storyline and mysteries to explore. Completing the game may take 10+ hours of gameplay.

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