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iLRN2024 Proceedings (iLEAD and selected academic contributions) are now available at our Digital Library. Springer proceedings for Academic Full and Short papers will be available in the Fall. ×
  • Alice and TomKaT on the paths of OnLIFE Education

    In this world, in the Spatial metaverse, join Alice from Wonderland and TomKat from ConectaKaT to explore the paths of the OnLIFE Education. Through an immersive, inventive, and gamified narrative, these characters will guide you to understand and experience this paradigm which is connected to our lives. By unraveling the clues, you will discover how projects developed by students from a Brazilian university shed light on pertinent issues regarding OnLIFE Education.
    Branch House: House 1. Foundations in Immersive Learning Research and Theory
    Learning Sectors: Higher Education
    Platform: Video Submission

    Open the website www.spatial.io, log in (or create a login), and enter the virtual 3D digital world: https://www.spatial.io/s/Alice-e-TomKat-nos-caminhos-da-Educacao-OnLIFE-2023-02-6547de361575c6e70c212ad2?share=9008268964280416174 , after that, explore the paths of OnLIFE Education through a gamified, inventive and immersive narrative.

    Open the website www.spatial.io, log in (or create a login), and enter the virtual 3D digital world: https://www.spatial.io/s/Alice-e-TomKat-nos-caminhos-da-Educacao-OnLIFE-2023-02-6547de361575c6e70c212ad2?share=9008268964280416174 , after that, explore the paths of OnLIFE Education through a gamified, inventive and immersive narrative.
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    Skills / Lessons Learned:
    Understanding/Exploration of the OnLIFE Education Paradigm: Developing a comprehensive understanding of the concept of OnLIFE Education, exploring how digital connectivity intertwines with everyday life through an immersive, inventive, and gamified narrative.

    Reflection on Challenges and Problems of Some Brazilian Cities: Reflecting on how student projects address and problematize issues related to the cities where the students reside, highlighting the connection between physical space and digital space through projects on Google Earth, for example, embedded in the world built in the Spatial metaverse.

    Reflection on Contemporary Educational Challenges: Reflecting on the contemporary challenges faced by 21st-century schools, analyzing how student projects contribute to a deeper understanding of these issues in order to improve the quality of education.

    Appropriation of Digital Technologies: Integrating the knowledge acquired in exploring the Spatial metaverse to understand how digital technologies such as Google Earth, Canva, ChatGPT, Bing Image Creator are mobilized to build pathways for OnLIFE Education, promoting not only appropriation but also co-creation with such digital technologies.

    Construction of 3D Worlds: Building 3D worlds in groups to host and co-create immersive experiences in partnership with different digital technologies.

    Learner Engagement:
    This proposal encompasses an immersive, inventive, and gamified narrative that combines various immersive elements in a 3D world in the Spatial metaverse. Students are engaged by this narrative, which offers clues and shared experiences of OnLIFE Education. Through connection with different digital technologies, such as Google Earth, Canva, and generative stochastic languages as ChatGPT and Bing Image Creator, the project provides a practical and contemporary approach to learning. This exploration of the 3D world through immersive, inventive, and gamified narratives not only enriches the educational experience but also encourages students to explore (and create with) the possibilities of these technologies. Additionally, the direct connection to real-world issues, especially when addressing contemporary educational challenges and urban issues, promotes a contextualized and relevant understanding of OnLIFE Education. This approach sparks students' interest and curiosity, establishing a direct link between theoretical learning and practice, resulting in deep engagement throughout the entire immersion in the Spatial metaverse.

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