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iLRN2024 Proceedings (iLEAD and selected academic contributions) are now available at our Digital Library. Springer proceedings for Academic Full and Short papers will be available in the Fall. ×

Integrating VR into real classrooms: Practical, pedagogical and learning insights from the VR School Study


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Much of the evidence on educational virtual reality (VR) is based on quasi-experimental, cross-sectional research designed to measure the effectiveness of a specific VR application. This research is commonly conducted by university or industry researchers on mainly adult populations. This presentation showcases a different framework for research from the VR School Study, now in its 7th year (www.vrschoolresearch.com). The VR School Study is predicated on a participatory model where teachers are co-researchers and student are VR content creators. The study is conducted over long periods of time in different primary (elementary), middle and secondary schools and across different subject areas to capture the practical, ethical, pedagogical and curriculum potential and constraints of integrating this emerging technology into everyday classrooms. The presentation will provide a comprehensive pedagogical framework, case studies on regulation and student creativity for deeper learning, and insights into effective curriculum design for teachers.

About Erica Southgate: Dr. Erica Southgate is Associate Professor of Emerging Technologies for Education (University of Newcastle, Australia) She is a teacher educator and maker of computer games for literacy. Erica is an expert on AI ethics for education and lead researcher on the VR School Study, the longest-running research on embedding VR into school classrooms across subject areas. She is lead author on the Australian Government commissioned report, ‘Artificial Intelligence and Emerging Technologies (AR, MR and VR) in Schools’ and author of ‘Virtual Reality in Curriculum and Pedagogy: Evidence from Secondary Classrooms’ (Routledge).

This event is part of the iLRN2023 Online Conference.
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