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Session 17A: Doctoral Colloquium (USA/EU time zone friendly) ZOOM



Event details

CHAIR: Noah Glaser (University of Missouri, United States)
LOCATION: Zoom, workshops
Charles Thull (Old Dominion University, United States)
Noah Glaser (University of Missouri, United States)
Doctoral Colloquium—Social, Technological, & Pedagogical Design Considerations of SVVR Systems for Autistic Learners: a Systematic Literature Review
PRESENTER: Charles Thull

ABSTRACT. Autistic learners benefit from instructional design that accommodates learning differences (i.e. communication, social skills, and executive functions). Spherical video virtual reality (SVVR) is a cost effective approach that allows designers to provide a supportive learning environment for autistic users. This systematic literature review considers learner experience design and the socio-technical-pedagogical framework for usability to evaluate and describe SVVR research for autistic learners.

Eden Hartigan (University of Missouri, United States)
Noah Glaser (University of Missouri, United States)
Matthew Schmidt (University of Florida, United States)
Evaluating the Usability of Autistic Adults Using a Public Transportation Virtual Reality System
PRESENTER: Eden Hartigan

ABSTRACT. This study presents Virtuoso, a virtual reality program that was designed to teach skills related to using public transportation on a university campus for autistic adults. The study evaluated the Virtuoso program using a design-based research framework, with a focus on evaluating the second prototype of the VR system with a focus on examining system usability.

Genevieve Smith-Nunes (University of Cambridge, UK)
Exploring the Intersection of AI, Art, and Immersive Learning: AI imagery as Data Analysis as AI Art Exhibition

ABSTRACT. AI Art as a Form of Data Analysis: Exploring the Intersection of Technology, Creativity, and Post-Humanism. This exhibition/paper explores the ways in which AI art can be used as a form of data analysis, and explore its potential to shape the future of creativity and post-humanism. Showcase the current state of AI art and its role in the intersection of technology and creativity, as well as its implications for post-humanism. Additionally, analyse the ways in which immersive learning can enhance the understanding and appreciation of AI art. Through a combination of literature review and examples, this exhibition/paper aims to provide a deeper understanding of the potential of AI art as a form of data analysis for immersive learning and educational research.

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