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iLRN2024 Proceedings (iLEAD and selected academic contributions) are now available at our Digital Library. Springer proceedings for Academic Full and Short papers will be available in the Fall. ×

A Lantern, a Garden and a Tree for co-creating our future



The Immersive Learning Research Network (ILRN) is a 501(c)3 not-for-profit member association of immersive learning professionals who seeks out, showcases, and innovates on "what works" in Immersive Learning for the public good, together. In this closing keynote for the online conference of iLRN2023, iLRN Chief Executive Officer and Board President Jon/athon Richter will cast the work of over 15 years in light of this moment, this inflection point for XR and for humanity.  We have, with our collective capacity in iLRN to co-create the future. See how the iLRN infrastructure has been purposefully created for generative co-design, to amplify our interdisciplinary expertise and build rapidly upon principles of Principled Design and Open Science practices in ways that could help us create a more human, more sustainable, more tranformationally great future. 

Bio: Dr. Jonathon Richter is co-founder, CEO and President of the Immersive Learning Research Network. He is also Associate Professor of Research at the University of Montana in the Department of Teaching & Learning. He is a futurist, designer, and practitioner of XR and digital experiences and events. Previously, Jon was a Teacher Educator, Instructional Designer and Research Associate creating online courses and materials for students with learning disabilities, and a Department Chair of Digital Design Technologies programs at a tribal college in Montana. He has experience researching and developing from lenses of sociomateriality, design patterns, graphic organizers, and electronic portfolios. His interests in co-creation and Tech4Good initiatives drives him to remain optimistic despite challenges and is chief in his push to help find others to lead in developing the Immersive Learning Research Network. 

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