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iLRN2024 Proceedings (iLEAD and selected academic contributions) are now available at our Digital Library. Springer proceedings for Academic Full and Short papers will be available in the Fall. ×

Revolutionizing Education: AI, Metaverse, and the Human-Centric Future of Learning


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Amidst the rapid evolution of emerging technologies, humanity, technology, and education converge at a critical juncture. This captivating keynote explores the transformative power of artificial intelligence, the metaverse, immersive experiences, and community centralization in revolutionizing education and empowering tomorrow's leaders. We will scrutinize innovative frameworks for AI-driven education, unveiling the potential for fostering creativity, critical thinking, and empathy in a human-centric learning environment. We will also address challenges like accessibility, ethics, and mental health impacts, as we apply these technologies across educational settings. Embark on a journey to redefine learning and leadership, creating a world where technology catalyzes human potential and inspires visionary pioneers. This keynote offers insights on harnessing technology to forge a more equitable, informed, and enlightened society.

About Christopher Lafayette:

Christopher Lafayette is an emerging technologist, humanitarian, architect, and speaker. He is bringing thousands of communities and millions of people into the metaverse and emerging technologies in a humane manner. As a thought leader and advocate for greater inclusion and cross-cultural community building, Christopher works to create a more equitable culture of technology. He is the founder of GatherVerse and The Black Technology Mentorship Program. An expert on the metaverse, medtech, AI, education, Web3, and applied sciences, he has served as an advisor to companies, organizations, and universities around the world.  https://www.christopherlafayette.com

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