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Gaming for Good: How Video Games Cultivate Social and Emotional Learning


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Compassion is empathy in action, and action is what games do best! The emotional affordances in some video games can enable players to practice social and emotional learning (SEL) skills in spaces free from real-world consequences. Emerging research suggests that these competencies are, in fact, teachable. With thoughtful guidance, games can help youth manage emotions, demonstrate empathic concern, and exhibit prosocial behaviors. Join Dr. Matthew Farber as he shares ideas from his research and recent book, Gaming SEL: Games as Transformational to Social and Emotional Learning.
About Dr. Farber:
Matthew Farber, Ed.D. is an associate professor of educational technology at the University of Northern Colorado, where he co-directs the Gaming SEL Lab. Author of several books and papers, he studies how playing and making games can cultivate (or limit) social and emotional learning (SEL) skills, such as empathy, compassion, and ethics. Dr. Farber also writes for Edutopia (The George Lucas Education Foundation), has been invited to the White House, and has collaborated frequently with UNESCO and Games for Change. His latest book is Gaming SEL: Games as Transformational to Social and Emotional Learning. To learn more, please visit: http://matthewfarber.com/
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