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iLRN2022 Organizing Committee meetings (weekly)


Event details

Meeting on the iLRN Virtual Campus -- Main Boardroom

Pease come to the iLRN2022 Organizing Committee Meetings on Tuesdays each week (weekly for the time being) and be prepared to provide a brief report, summarizing your work from your Role as described in the iLRN Conference Organizing Committee Roles & Responsibilities Handbook

NOTE: these meetings are intended to last about an hour, with high level reporting from you, the Chairs from different SubCommittees to one another so as to provide context and coordination among the various critical dimensions of conferenceorganization. The remaining 1/2 hour is intended for organic discussion and committee collaboration.

The bulk of the work completed by each subcommittee should, thus, be accomplished BETWEEN meetings and following the timeline as much as possible. Questions and conflicts should be posted in the iLRN Discord in the respective iLRN2022 Organizators channel. 

Committee Members can access & add to the Organizing Committee (i.e. "Organizators") Agenda and Notes using your @immersivelrn.org email address. 
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