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iLRN2024 Proceedings (iLEAD and selected academic contributions) are now available at our Digital Library. Springer proceedings for Academic Full and Short papers will be available in the Fall. ×
  • Corporate Membership Application

    This category of membership is extended to for-profit corporations.


    Annual Cost:

    Corporations:  $3,500

    Emerging Technology Companies: $1,000 - Available to early-stage emerging technology companies that have been in business five years or less and employ fewer than 25 staff members, with revenue under $1M.



    • Full affiliate membership for all staff
    • iLRN Affiliate Badge displayed on the website
    • Members discount at conferences, webinars and other paid iLRN events
    • Eligibility to respond to calls for annual conference papers and proposals
    • Once a year opportunity to host a webinar session for iLRN members featuring vendor’s products and services


    Membership Year:

    The membership year runs September - August.  All new members must pay for the full price when joining anytime from September through May.  Those joining from June -August will pay the full year's amount for the following fiscal year with their membership coming up for renewal a year from that August.  Once payment is received access to all member rights & privileges commences immediately.  Annual renewal bills are issued in March with payment expected by September 1.  Prices are quoted in US dollars.

    APPLY NOW Regular Corporation

    APPLY NOW Emerging Technology Company

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