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Prof. Daniela Pedrosa steps up to take the Role of iLRN Publications Managing Editor!

The Immersive Learning Research Network is happy to announce that Prof. Daniela Pedrosa will assume the role of iLRN Publications Managing Editor

Prof. Daniela Pedrosa has contributed to iLRN for several years across various roles, including four years as Publications Chair on the iLRN Organizing Committee, where she led the editorial team with great commitment. Beyond her role as author and reviewer for several editions, Dr. Pedrosa was the organizer of the Special Track SCILE (Self and Co-Regulated Learning with Immersive Learning Environments), which, due to its success and impact, has now become an official track of the iLRN conference. Her vision is to continue shaping the content and direction of research in immersive learning and educational technologies, particularly in SCILE.iLRN Managing Editor,  Daniela Pedrosa

Daniela continues to contribute to the development of immersive learning research through her career focused on education and the innovative use of technologies. She is an Invited Adjunct Professor at Polytechnic Institute of Santarém and research member of The Research Centre on Didactics and Technology in the Education of Trainers (CIDTFF-UA), in Portugal (https://www.cienciavitae.pt/FC10-C486-DC7C) . With her new role as iLRN Publications Managing Editor, Daniela Pedrosa hopes to bring even more innovation and leadership to iLRN’s editorial direction, further strengthening our publications and expanding the global impact of our community.


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