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iLRN2024 Proceedings (iLEAD and selected academic contributions) are now available at our Digital Library. Springer proceedings for Academic Full and Short papers will be available in the Fall. ×



  • University student use of the iLRN Virtual Campus
  • XR groups meet for presentations & exploration
  • iLRN Volunteers starting Campus Co-design - now building a spooky Halloween party!
  • Beginning construction of iLRN's Foundations Research Library on campus on the immersive learning principles of Computer Science, Games, & the Learning Sciences

Our new iLRN Frame VR Campus opened to attendees of the 10th annual iLRN Conference last June 2024. Of the collection of 25 Frame buildings on the new campus, most iLRN2024 activity took place on the dual Frame campus "hub" - that is, our Orange and Blue Exhibit Halls, respectively - where presenters from BOTH online and face-to-face (Scotland) conference venues had opportunity to place a poster and interact with visitors. Note that both virtual campus halls are always open to iLRN members and these fantastic immersive learning posters are still there for your perusal!

Indeed, the campus is crawling with network activity, as various initiatives sprout up in Teaching/Learning, UX/Design, and Research/Knowledge Sharing! 

A few iLRN Frame VR Campus Highlights: 

Summer '24, Doug Wilson invited his Learning, Design, and Technology students at George Mason University to meet regularly in our iLRN Student Center and explore the network co-designed FrameVR Campus. Dr. Wilson and  iLRN campus staff offered the use of Frame VR's custom permissions to allow students an opportunity to pitch ideas, co-create and try out the campus' possibility spaces. > > > >

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Wilson says, "FrameVR and the iLRN Student Center make great tools and provide quintessential presence to engage students on a range of topics  in the instructional design space. A nimble system, graduate students swiftly got up to speed with FrameVR's easy to use tools and took part in compelling direct instruction as well as sensory experiences.  Richter's presentation on the UN Sustainable Development Goals allowed students to align their creative design projects in XR with the iLRN conference theme Tech 4 Good; this introduced a high level of engagement for students who could then see their work from a global perspective and design with the greater good in mind.  One student even chose to build a new virtual office for me in Frame VR as her design project! The authentic learning experiences possible in Frame VR and the iLRN Student Center underscored teaching and learning approaches illuminated in learning in activity (Engstrom, 2022),  Community of Inquiry (Garrison , 2017) and situated learning (Lave & Wenger, 1991). 
Perhaps the most intriguing piece happened this fall at the Immersive Technology Conference on the George Mason University Arlington Campus. I setup a 60” flat screen connected to my MacBook Pro and invited students from as far away as Los Angeles to pop into Frame VR ILRN Student Center and interact live with the audience during my poster session. Student avatars in VR interacted live and face-to-face with people viewing on the big screen, a portal and intersection of the virtual and physical worlds! That was an engaging and unique experience and all with no headsets or goggles. 
FrameVR lowers the barriers to entry, and the global iLRN Student Center was the space! I can’t thank you and iLRN enough for making this all possible!


The Immersive Learning Research Network's campus is open to university member/partners in myriad different ways!

  • game jams or hackathons
  • research talks 
  • independent student projects
  • pedagogical or computer science design experiments
  • international co-lab spaces

In other campus activity, Randall Rode brought the EduCAUSE XR Community Group to the iLRN campus in August for exploration and discussion in the Circle of Scholars (CoS) amphitheater.  Dr. Rode is presently supporting iLRN to co-develop our Community of Scholars in Immersive Learning, including public and members-only meetings in the CoS amphitheater.

> > > > > Bring YOUR immersive experience design group or team to the iLRN Campus for exploration or meeting! 

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Now that fall semester has arrived and universities are well underway with courses, the campus has picked up our activity and the iLRN Volunteers are more systematically managing our co-creations and other events on campus. They use our iLRN General Discord Server as a means of collaborating, working across time zones, skill sets, and campus design requests but they're ALWAYS doing something fun too and our twice-a-month meetings are always eye-opening and full of laughter and connections.

Lately, we've been working on turning a number of our campus buildings into our "HAUNTED VIRTUAL CAMPUS" - now in our 5th year!

(so I guess it's a tradition?). . . . 

We're putting up some cryptic AI bots who speak of VR like a kooky steampunk character and grumpily invite you to check out other haunted spaces and leave them alone to their alarming experiments... 

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and finally, our lead iLRN Campus Volunteer Sarah Barker has been building a prototype Frame VR Research Library in our House 1, the "trunk" of our Knowledge Tree representing the BIG THREE disciplines that fundamentally contribute to hiqh quality Immersive Learning experiences: (1) Computer Science, (2) UX/Game Design and (3) The Learning Sciences. We are so excited of the possibilities of Sarah's contribution (check out her work on our Affiliate Partner's XR Women's Frame VR space!) and look to similarly build out 12 applied areas in Frames across our campus: 

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~ Do YOU have an idea on how you'd like to make use of our iLRN Virtual Campus?

iLRNetwork Members, contact us for arranging a tour and exploring the possibilities TODAY! 


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