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iLRN2024 Proceedings (iLEAD and selected academic contributions) are now available at our Digital Library. Springer proceedings for Academic Full and Short papers will be available in the Fall. ×


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This is your premier source for the latest updates and information from the Immersive Learning Research Network (iLRN).


Entries in this blog

Call for Papers: Special Issue on "Immersive Learning: From Theory to Practice, Building Evidence-Based Frameworks"

We are happy to announce a Call for Papers for a special issue in the journal "Computers & Education: X Reality", which is organized with iLRN and invites selected papers submitted to and presented at the 9th and 10th iLRN conferences to submit extended versions. However, submissions from the academic community are welcomed, regardless of whether they were part of the iLRN conferences. Overview The integration of immersive technologies—such as Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (

Jule Krüger

Jule Krüger in News

Submit Your Work to a Special Issue of the Journal of Applied Instructional Design (JAID)

A SPECIAL INVITATION for iLRN designers, practitioners, and researchers. We are pleased to circulate announcement of a Special Issue on "Designing Extended Reality (XR) for Authentic Learning" in the Journal of Applied Instructional Design (JAID). For this special issue, the editors are interested in presenting current research in applied instructional design methods for utilizing VR, AR, MR, and other immersive technologies to foster authentic learning experiences. They invite artic

Michael Hamaoka

Michael Hamaoka in News

Should iLRN remain on Twitter?

We've been back and forth with the Twitter. As many of you know, while Twitter has always been a place for loud and opinionated forms of expression, the platform has become more acerbic, more permissive (even supportive) of negative, exclusionary, and inflammatory stances over the past few years. While we still find a lot of community potential there, the garbage-to-nutrition ratio has just reached a point where we are openly questioning its utility any longer. We've looked at Mastodon, and many


jonathon in News

iLRN Workshop: Getting Started with Instructional Design with VR

Ready to dive into instructional design for virtual reality? This 3-part workshop series is the perfect launchpad for beginner immersive learning designers.  Whether you have prior experience or not, this series will equip you with the skills and knowledge you need to design and evaluate VR learning experiences. Early bird pricing is still available! Take advantage of this opportunity to gain a solid foundation in instructional design for VR and be prepared to create effective learning exp


jonathon in Workshops

iLRN2022 Immersive Design Recommendations Released!

During the iLRN 2022 Conference, the network hosted a number of online & face-to-face workshops to contribute to the IEEE Technical Committee on Immersive Learning Environments. Here are the results!   The Immersive Learning Research Network hosted a series of brainstorming and collaboration workshops as part of the network's collaboration with the IEEE Technical Committee on Immersive Learning Environments during their 8th annual conference online and in Vienna, Austria last Sprin

Anasol Peña-Rios

Anasol Peña-Rios in News

Welcome to Paula MacDowell as iLRN's Director of Practitioners!

Paula MacDowell of the University of Saskatchewan joins the iLRN Board of Directors overseeing the network's emphasis on educators and other practitioners of XR & Immersive Learning technologies! Paula MacDowell, PhD, is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Curriculum Studies, University of Saskatchewan, Canada. She is a recognized leader in designing immersive learning experiences alongside students, teachers, and communities. Specializing in Educational Technology and Desi

Michael Hamaoka

Michael Hamaoka in News

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